Scheduled Exports

The Scheduled Export page displays details about the exports on your account that include a schedule.

Note: You can retain up to 1000 export schedules on your Tenable Vulnerability Management instance.

Export information on this page comes from the following sources:

  • Assets — Information about all assets included on your Tenable Vulnerability Management license. For more information, see Export from Explore Tables.

  • Assets Host —Information about assets Tenable Vulnerability Management identified on your host during a scan. For more information, see Host Assets and Export from Explore Tables.

  • Findings - Vulnerabilities - Host — Information about the vulnerability findings Tenable Vulnerability Management identified on your host during a scan. For more information, see Export from Explore Tables.

  • Users — Information about the users assigned to your account. For more information, see Export Users.

On the Scheduled Exports page, you can do the following:

Note: Export expiration is set via the Settings section. For more information, see General Settings.