Add or Remove Agents from Agent Profiles

Use the following procedures to add an agent to an agent profile or remove an agent from an agent profile in Tenable Nessus Manager.

In addition to using the Tenable Nessus Manager user interface, you can link an agent to a profile by running the nessuscli agent link command and specifying the optional --profile-uuid argument. You can link an agent to a profile during deployment by specifying the profile-uuid in the config.json file. To find a profile's profile-uuid, see View an agent profile ID.

Note: The agent profile version overrides the agent's Nessus Agent update plan setting. If you assign the agent a freeze window, the freeze window overrides both the Nessus Agent update plan and the agent profile. In this case, the agent remains on its current version and no software updates occur for that agent as long as the agent is assigned to the freeze window.

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