Update License Offline
If you have an existing Tenable Nessus server that is offline, and you want to update Tenable Nessus with a new license, use the following procedure.
To manage Tenable Nessus offline, you need two computers: the Tenable Nessus server, which is not connected to the internet, and another computer that is connected to the internet.
To update an offline Tenable Nessus server's license:
Generate a Tenable Nessus challenge code on the offline system running Tenable Nessus.
Before performing offline update operations, you may need to generate a unique challenge code on the Tenable Nessus server.
Whereas you use an activation code when performing Tenable Nessus operations while connected to the internet, you use a license when performing offline operations; the generated challenge code enables you to view and use your license for offline operations.
Use one of the following procedures to generate the challenge code:
Generate a challenge code in the Tenable Nessus user interface
On the offline system running Tenable Nessus, log in to Tenable Nessus.
Click Settings.
Click the pencil icon next to the activation code.
The Update Activation Code window appears.
In the Registration drop-down menu, select Offline.
Click Activate.
The challenge code appears in the window.
Copy the alphanumeric challenge code to your machine.
Example challenge code: aaaaaa11b2222cc33d44e5f6666a777b8cc99999
Generate a challenge code from the command line interface
- On the offline system running Tenable Nessus, open a command prompt.
- Use the nessuscli fetch --challenge command specific to your operating system.
Platform Command Windows
C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus>nessuscli.exe fetch --challenge
# /Library/Nessus/run/sbin/nessuscli fetch --challenge
# /opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fetch --challenge
# /usr/local/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fetch --challenge
Copy the alphanumeric challenge code to your machine.
Example challenge code: aaaaaa11b2222cc33d44e5f6666a777b8cc99999
Copy your Tenable Nessus activation code on the offline system running Tenable Nessus.
To generate a Tenable Nessus license, you must enter your activation code. To view your activation code, use one of the following procedures:
View your activation code in the Nessus user interface
- Log in to Tenable Nessus.
- In the top navigation bar, click Settings.
The About page appears.
In the Overview tab, view your Activation Code.
Copy the activation code to your machine.
View your activation code in the command line interface
Use the
nessuscli fetch --code-in-use
command specific to your operating system.Platform
C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus>nessuscli.exe fetch --code-in-use
# /Library/Nessus/run/sbin/nessuscli fetch --code-in-use
# /opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fetch --code-in-use
# /usr/local/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fetch --code-in-use
Copy the activation code to your machine.
Generate the license in the Tenable Nessus user interface on a system with internet access.
By default, when you install Tenable Nessus, your license is hidden and automatically registered. You cannot view this license.
However, if your Tenable Nessus server is not connected to the internet (in other words, it is offline), you must generate a license. This license is unique to your Tenable Nessus product, and you cannot share it.
Your license is a text-based file that contains a string of alphanumeric characters. The license is created and based on your unique challenge code.
Generate the license in the Nessus user interface
On a system with internet access, navigate to the Tenable Nessus offline registration page.
Where prompted, type in your challenge code.
Example challenge code: aaaaaa11b2222cc33d44e5f6666a777b8cc99999
Next, where prompted, enter your Tenable Nessus activation code.
Example activation code: AB-CDE-1111-F222-3E4D-55E5-CD6F
Select Submit.
At the bottom of the resulting web page, an embedded nessus.license file that includes the license text string appears.
Download and copy the license file (nessus.license) on a system with internet access.
After you have generated your Tenable Nessus license, you now need to download and then copy the license to the offline system running Tenable Nessus.
Download and copy the license file
At the Tenable Nessus offline registration page, while still using the computer with internet access, select the on-screen nessus.license link.
The link downloads the nessus.license file.
Copy the nessus.license file to the system running Tenable Nessus.
Use the directory specific to your operating system:
# /Library/Nessus/run/etc/nessus
# /opt/nessus/etc/nessus/
# /usr/local/nessus/etc/nessus
Register your license on the offline system running Tenable Nessus.
Once you download and copy the nessus.license file to your offline Tenable Nessus server, use the nessuscli fetch --register command that corresponds to your operating system.
Register your license offline
- On the offline system running Tenable Nessus, open the command line interface.
- Use the nessuscli fetch --register-offline command specific to your operating system.
Platform Command Windows
C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus>nessuscli.exe fetch --register-offline "C:\ProgramData\Tenable\Nessus\conf\nessus.license"
# /Library/Nessus/run/sbin/nessuscli fetch --register-offline /Library/Nessus/run/etc/nessus/nessus.license
# /opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fetch --register-offline /opt/nessus/etc/nessus/nessus.license
# /usr/local/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fetch --register-offline /usr/local/nessus/etc/nessus/nessus.license