Version 6.5.x
Tenable Security Center 6.5.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
For SC / SCI node:
Added /wasScanner::GET endpoint
Added /wasScanner/{id}::GET endpoint
Added /wasScanner/{id}::PATCH endpoint
Added /wasScanner/{id}::DELETE endpoint
Added /sensor-proxy::GET endpoint
Added /sensor-proxy/{id}::GET endpoint
Added /sensor-proxy/{id}::PATCH endpoint
Added /sensor-proxy/{id}::DELETE endpoint
Added /sensor-proxy/search::POST endpoint
Added type as returning field.
Added postgresConnStatus, postgresConnectionType, postgresDsn, VulnerabilityIntelligenceEnabled to /system endpoint.
Added postgresConnStatusto /system/diagnostics endpoint.
Version 6.4.5
Tenable Security Center 6.4.5 API includes updates for the following endpoints:
For Tenable Enclave Security:
Added new /tes/userPermissions endpoint.
Added new /tes/role/admin endpoint.
Added new /tes/system/debug endpoint.
Added new /tes/role and /tes/role/{id} endpoints.
Added new /tes/group endpoint.
Added new /tes/user endpoint.
Added new /tes/currentOrganization endpoint
Added new /tes/config/license/register endpoint.
Version 6.4.x
Tenable Security Center 6.4.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
For SC / SCI node:
Modified /hosts::GET
Added systemType as returning field.
Modified /hosts/search::POST
Added systemType as a searchable field.
Updated the documentation to include the missing permissions as fields for request and in the responseModified /policy::GET
Version 6.3.x
Tenable Security Center 6.3.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
For SC / SCI node:
Modified /acceptRiskRule::POST
Added the allowed entries for the hostType field for each repository type:
Universal: All Available Devices, Asset, Host IDs.
Agent: All Available Devices, Asset, Agent IDs.
IPv4: All Available Devices, Asset, IPs.
IPv6: All Available Devices, Asset, IPs.
Modified /acceptRiskRule::GET
Implemented pagination support that returns a limited number of results instead of all results when the paginated=true parameter is included in the request. This functionality is accompanied by support for parameters such as startOffset, endOffset, sortField, and sortDirection.
Modified /recastRiskRule::GET
Added the allowed entries for the hostType field for each repository type:
Universal: All Available Devices, Asset, Host IDs.
Agent: All Available Devices, Asset, Agent IDs.
IPv4: All Available Devices, Asset, IPs.
IPv6: All Available Devices, Asset, IPs.
Modified /recastRiskRule::GET
Implemented pagination support that returns a limited number of results instead of all results when the paginated=true parameter is included in the request. This functionality is accompanied by support for parameters such as startOffset, endOffset, sortField, and sortDirection.
Modified /report::GET
Implemented pagination support that returns a limited number of results instead of all results when the paginated=true parameter is included in the request. This feature is accompanied by support for parameters like startOffset, endOffset, sortField, and sortDirection. Furthermore, filtration parameters such as name, owner, status, startTime, and endTime are now also supported.
Modified /policy::GET
Implemented pagination support, which returns a limited number of results when the paginated=true parameter is included in the request. The supported parameters include startOffset, endOffset, sortField, and sortDirection. Additionally, support has been added for filtration parameters such as name, owner, policyTemplate, groupID, and tags.
Modified /user::GET
Implemented pagination support that returns a limited number of results when the paginated=true parameter is included in the request. This feature is accompanied by support for parameters like startOffset, endOffset, sortField, and sortDirection. Additionally, support has been added for the following filtration parameters: firstname, lastname, username, lastLoginTimeFrame, lastLoginStartTime, lastLoginEndTime, locked, groupID, authType, roleID, title, email, address, state, country, phone, fax, and name.
Version 6.2.x
Tenable Security Center 6.2.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
For SC / SCI node:
Modified /group::GET and /group/
::GET -
The response fields list is now modified to match the FE behavior and to follow the objectives of roles and permissions.
Modified /hosts/search::POST.
Added an example of the new sourceType filter to the example request payload. The endpoint now allows users to filter on source type. (e.g., Nessus Scan, Agent Scan, Web App Scan, NNM, LCE)
Added an example of the new hostid filter to the example request payload. The endpoint now allows users to filter on host UUIDs.
Added /repository/{repID}/attachment/{attachmentID}::GET.
Added a new API to get an attachment for the attachment ID and repository ID or UUID provided. The downloaded file is returned.
Modified /role::GET and /role/
::GET -
The response fields list is now modified to match the FE behavior and to follow the objectives of roles and permissions.
Modified /scan::GET, /scan/
::GET, /scan::POST, and /scan/ ::PATCH -
Added new field inactivityTimeout. Allows user to customize the timeout to wait before switching scanner (or mark as partial if no more scanners) if the scanner response is not obtained due to a scan involving a long running plugin. Allowed values are 1 to 120 hrs. Default value is 12hrs.
Modified /scanner::GET, /scanner/
::GET , and /scanner::POST.-
Added support for the new field wasCapable that identifies if a scanner is WAS capable or not. The /scanner::POST endpoint allows wasCapable to be set to true or false. The /scanner::GET and /scanner/
::GET endpoints return the value of the wasCapable field.
Modified /policy::GET, /policy/
::GET, /policy::POST, /policy/ /copy::POST, and /policy/ /share::POST -
Added support for the new field isWas that identifies a policy template as a WAS policy template. The value is returned in the response payload from the listed endpoints as part of the policyTemplate object.
Modified /policyTemplate::GET and /policyTemplate/
::GET. -
Added support for the new field isWas that identifies a policy template as a WAS policy template. Valid values are true or false.
Added /scanResult/{resultID}/attachment/{attachmentID}::GET.
Added a new API to get an attachment for the attachment ID and scan result ID provided. The downloaded file is returned.
Added /softwareUpdate::GET.
Added a new API to get the list of Software Updates for the current version of Security Center.
Added /softwareUpdate::PATCH.
Added a new API that for a provided list of Software Update IDs sets to status to be ready to install. Use this to stage Software Updates for installation. The Software Updates are installed during the next system restart.
Modified /system/logs::POST.
Added a new field scrollModel to the request payload that can have the values virtual or paged with virtual being the default. virtual is the scroll model used in the old UI where paged is the model used in the updated UI.
Added /system/logs/modules::GET.
This endpoint returns a collection of all of the module names that can be found in the system log.
Modified /ticket/{id}::PATCH.
When the status of a ticket is changed to closed, all queries associated with the ticket are deleted.
Modified /user::GET and /user/
::GET -
The response fields list is now modified to match the FE behavior and to follow the objectives of roles and permissions.
Added new WAS Scan endpoints /wasScan::GET, /wasScan/
::GET, /wasScan::POST, /wasScan/ ::PATCH, /wasScan/ ::DELETE, /wasScan/ /copy::POST, and /wasScan/ /launch::POST. -
Respectively these endpoints allow users to get all WAS Scans, get an individual WAS Scan, add a WAS Scan, edit a WAS Scan, delete a WAS Scan, copy a WAS Scan, and launch a WAS Scan. There is a new field urlList for providing a single URL target (e.g. ““).
Version 6.1.x
Tenable Security Center 6.1.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
For SC / SCI node:
Modified /bulk::POST.
Added a new bulk action, /hosts/acr::PATCH.
Modified /lumin/repositories::PATCH.
Removed the note that only IPv4 and Agent repositories are supported. Now IPv4, IPv6, Agent, and Universal repositories are supported.
Modified /system::GET.
Added "riskRuleCommentsEnabled" to the response.
Modified /policy::POST.
Added "state" parameter for each family for the POST request.
Added "state" and "type" to each family in the POST response.
Modified /policy/uuid::GET and /policy/id::GET.
Added "state" and "type" for each family in the response.
Modified /user::GET.
Added a note that as an admin user if the orgID field provided, the fields parameters are not supported, and added an Example Response for that case.
Modified /user/
::GET .-
Added Request User Parameters for using the orgID field as an admin user.
Version 6.0.x
Tenable Security Center 6.0.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
For Director:
Modified /mgmt/scanResult::GET.
Returns the "type" and "dataFormat" fields in the "repository" field.
For SC / SCI node:
Modified /currentUser::GET.
Added the following field parameters related to the Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride, passwordSetDate.
Fields returned related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride, passwordSetDate.
Modified /deviceInfo::GET.
Can accept a "hostUUID" field in place of the other, available fields.
Modified /organization::GET.
Added the following field parameters related to the Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration.
Fields returned related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration.
Modified /organization::POST.
Added the following field parameters related to the Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration.
Fields returned related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration.
Modified /organization::PATCH.
Added the following field parameters related to the Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration.
Fields returned related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration.
Organization Security Manager:
Modified /organization/{orgID}/securityManager::GET, /organization/{orgUUID}/securityManager::GET.
Added the following field parameters related to the Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride, passwordSetDate.
Fields returned related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride, passwordSetDate.
Modified /organization/{orgID}/securityManager::POST, /organization/{orgUUID}/securityManager::POST.
Added the following field parameters related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride.
Fields returned related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride, passwordSetDate.
Modified /organization/{orgID}/securityManager::PATCH, /organization/{orgUUID}/securityManager::PATCH.
Added the following field parameters related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride.
Fields returned related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride, passwordSetDate.
Modified /repository/assetIntersections::GET.
Can accept a "hostUUID" field in place of the other, available fields.
Modified /repository/deviceInfo::GET.
Can accept a "hostUUID" field in place of the other, available fields.
Modified /scan::GET.
Returns a "dataFormat" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /scan::POST.
Returns a "dataFormat" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /scan::PATCH.
Returns a "dataFormat" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /scan/copy::POST.
Returns a "dataFormat" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /scanResult::GET.
Returns a "dataFormat" field "repository" field.
Modified /scanResult/pause::POST.
Returns a "dataFormat" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /scanResult/resume::POST.
Returns a "dataFormat" field "repository" field.
Modified /scan/stop::POST.
Returns a "dataFormat" field in the "repository" field.
Added /system/fips::GET.
Returns status of FIPS in
Added /system/fips::POST.
Updates the status of FIPS in
Modified /user::GET.
Added the following field parameters related to the Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride, passwordSetDate.
Fields returned related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride, passwordSetDate.
Modified /user::POST.
Added the following field parameters related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride.
Fields returned related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride, passwordSetDate.
Modified /user::PATCH.
Added the following field parameters related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride.
Fields returned related to the new Password Expiration feature: passwordExpires, passwordExpiration, passwordExpirationOverride, passwordSetDate.
Version 5.23.x 5.23.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
Added /hosts/download::POST endpoint for exporting Host Assets.
Added /vulnRoutingRule::POST endpoint for creating a Vuln Routing Rule. Added /vulRoutingRule::GET for getting all Vuln Routing Rules or an individual Vuln Routing Rule by id. Added /vulnRoutingRule::PATCH for editing a Vuln Routing Rule by id. Added /vulnRoutingRule::DELETE for deleting a Vuln Routing Rule by id.
Added /vulnRoutingSummary::GET endpoint for getting the list of Users with explicitly routed Vulns. Added /vulnRoutingSummary/{userID}::GET endpoint for getting the Vuln Routing Rules details for the User associated with the provided userID.
Version 5.22.x 5.22.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
The ability to use a configured proxy for a publishing site was added. A checkbox was added to the Publishing Site configuration page to enable and disable the use of a proxy. The useProxy field was added to GET, POST, and PATCH requests.
Added aes as a valid field for the /hosts::GET endpoint (used to retrieve a list of hosts). This returns the Asset Exposure Score in the response.
The "version" parameter for the /system::GET endpoint will only show if the user is authenticated.
Added "statusMessage" as a valid field for /scanner::GET and /scanner/{id}::GET. This returns an additional message based on the current status (Mostly will be used if a scanner is in an error state).
Added "apiKeys" as an option for authType. This allows users to add scanners to using API Keys as its main authentication.
Version 5.21.x 5.21.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
Added a new Director endpoint /mgmt/repository::GET for getting all repositories or getting repositories by id, uuid, or SCI ID.
Added a new Director endpoint /mgmt/user::GET for getting all users or getting users by id, uuid, organization ID, or SCI ID.
Added a new Director endpoint /mgmt/policy::GET for getting all policies or getting policies by id, uuid, or SCI ID.
Added a new Director endpoint /mgmt/policy::POST for creating a new policy.
Added a new Director endpoint /mgmt/policy::DELETE for deleting a policy by id or uuid.
Added a new Director endpoint /mgmt/user::GET for getting all users or getting users by id, uuid, organization ID, or SCI ID.
Modified /acceptRiskRule::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "hostValue" field if the "hostType" is "asset", and the asset list is part of your organization context.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "organization", and "user" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" and "plugin" fields.
Modified /acceptRiskRule::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "hostValue" field if the "hostType" is "asset", and the asset list is part of your organization context.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "organization", and "user" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" and "plugin" fields.
Modified /agentResultsSync::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /agentResultsSync::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /agentResultsSync::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /agentResultsSync/copy::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /alert::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "action → definition → scan", "action → definition → assignee", "action → definition → users" and "action → users" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "action → definition → scan" field.
Modified /alert::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "action → definition → scan", "action → definition → assignee", "action → definition → users" and "action → users" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "action → definition → scan" field.
Modified /alert::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "action → definition → scan", "action → definition → assignee", "action → definition → users" and "action → users" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "action → definition → scan" field.
Modified /alert/execute::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "action → definition → scan", "action → definition → assignee", "action → definition → users" and "action → users" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "action → definition → scan" field.
Modified /arc::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /arc::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /arc::PATCH.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /arc/import::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /arc/copy::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /arc/refresh::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /arc/share::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "policyStatements → baseFilters → value", "policyStatements → compliantFilters → value" and "policyStatements → drilldownFilters → value" fields if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /asset::GET
Can accept the asset list resource UUID in place of the asset list ID.
Can accept an "orgUUID" parameter in place of the "orgID" parameter when getting a single asset while logged in as an administrator.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "operand1" and "operand2" fields if they are not a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories → repository", "viewableIPs → repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organization" field, while logged in as an administrator and viewing "Full Access" Group (#0) asset lists.
Returns a "type" field in the "repositories → repository" and "viewableIPs → repository" fields.
Modified /asset::POST
Can accept a UUID record, instead of an ID record, as "operand1" and "operand2" when defining a combination list.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "operand1" and "operand2" fields if they are not a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories → repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repositories → repository" and "viewableIPs → repository" fields.
Modified /asset::PATCH
Can accept the asset list resource UUID in place of the asset list ID.
Can accept a UUID record, instead of an ID record, as "operand1" and "operand2" when defining a combination list.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "operand1" and "operand2" fields if they are not a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories → repository", "viewableIPs → repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repositories → repository" and "viewableIPs → repository" fields.
Modified /asset::DELETE
Can accept the asset list resource UUID in place of the asset list ID.
Modified /asset/export::GET
Can accept the asset list resource UUID in place of the asset list ID.
Modified /asset/refresh::POST
Can accept the asset list resource UUID in place of the asset list ID.
Can accept an "orgUUID" parameter in place of the "orgID" parameter.
Can accept a "repUUIDs" parameter in place of the "repIDs" parameter.
Modified /asset/share::POST
Can accept the asset list resource UUID in place of the asset list ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "operand1" and "operand2" fields if they are not a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories → repository", "viewableIPs → repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repositories → repository" and "viewableIPs → repository" fields.
Modified /attributeSet::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" field.
Modified /attributeSet::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" field.
Modified /attributeSet::PATCH.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /auditFile::GET
Can accept the audit file resource UUID in place of the audit file ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /auditFile::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /auditFile::PATCH
Can accept the audit file resource UUID in place of the audit file ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /auditFile::DELETE
Can accept the audit file resource UUID in place of the audit file ID.
Modified /auditFile/refresh::POST
Can accept the audit file resource UUID in place of the audit file ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /auditFile::DELETE
Can accept the audit file resource UUID in place of the audit file ID.
Modified /credential::GET
Can accept the credential resource UUID in place of the credential ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /credential::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /credential::PATCH
Can accept the credential resource UUID in place of the credential ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /credential::DELETE
Can accept the credential resource UUID in place of the credential ID.
Modified /credential/share::POST
Can accept the audit file resource UUID in place of the audit file ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /currentOrganization::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "zones" field.
Modifed /currentUser::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "switchableUsers → user", "switchableUsers → organization", "responsibleAsset", "organization" and "uuid" fields. NOTE: The "switchableUsers → organization" field will not contain a UUID if the switchable user is an administrator. Likewise, the "organization" field will not contain a "uuid" if the current user is an administrator.
Modifed /currentUser/associateCert::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "switchableUsers → user", "switchableUsers → organization", "responsibleAsset", "organization" and "uuid" fields. NOTE: The "switchableUsers → organization" field will not contain a UUID if the switchable user is an administrator. Likewise, the "organization" field will not contain a "uuid" if the current user is an administrator.
Modifed /currentUser/switch::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "switchableUsers → user", "switchableUsers → organization", "responsibleAsset", "organization" and "uuid" fields. NOTE: The "switchableUsers → organization" field will not contain a UUID if the switchable user is an administrator. Likewise, the "organization" field will not contain a "uuid" if the current user is an administrator.
Modified /dashboard::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "owner" field.
Modified /dashboard::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "owner" field.
Modified /dashboard/copy::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "owner" field.
Modified /dashboard/import::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "owner" field.
Modified /dashboard/share::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "owner" field.
Modified /deviceInfo::GET
Clarified that the "dnsName" parameter may only be supplied with the "ip" parameter when a "uuid" parameter is not supplied.
Added a "sourceType" parameter to specify which data source, "cumulative" or "patched", to pull information from when not supplying the "scanResultID" parameter.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository" field.
Modified /freeze::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "assets", "repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /freeze::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "assets", "repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /freeze::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "assets", "repository", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /group::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories", "definingAssets", "users", "assets", "policies", "credentials" and "auditFiles" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "auditFiles" field.
Modified /group::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories", "definingAssets", "users", "assets", "policies", "credentials" and "auditFiles" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "auditFiles" field.
Modified /group::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories", "definingAssets", "users", "assets", "policies", "credentials" and "auditFiles" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "auditFiles" field.
Modified /job::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organization" and "initiator" fields.
Modified /lce::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" and "repositories" fields.
Modified /group::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" and "repositories" fields.
Modified /group::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" and "repositories" fields.
Modified /ldap::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /ldap::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /ldap::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /organization::GET
Can accept the organization resource UUID in place of the organization ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories" and "zones" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repositories" field.
Modified /organization::POST
Can accept UUID records, instead of ID records, in the "repositories" and "zones" fields.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories" and "zones" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repositories" field.
Modified /organization::PATCH
Can accept the organization resource UUID in place of the organization ID.
Can accept UUID records, instead of ID records, in the "repositories" and "zones" fields.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories" and "zones" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repositories" field.
Modified /organization::DELETE
Can accept the organization resource UUID in place of the organization ID.
Modified /organization/acceptRiskRule::GET
Can accept the organization resource UUID in place of the organization ID.
Can accept the "repositoryUUIDs" field, instead of the "repositoryIDs" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "hostValue" field if the "hostType" is "asset", and the asset list is part of your organization context.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "organization", and "user" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" and "plugin" fields.
Modified /organization/recastRiskRule::GET
Can accept the organization resource UUID in place of the organization ID.
Can accept the "repositoryUUIDs" field, instead of the "repositoryIDs" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "hostValue" field if the "hostType" is "asset", and the asset list is part of your organization context.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "organization", and "user" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" and "plugin" fields.
Modified /organization/securityManager::GET
Can accept the organization resource UUID in place of the organization ID.
Can accept the user resource UUID (for the Security Manager) in place of the user ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "parent → user" and "responsibleAsset" fields.
Modified /organization/securityManager::POST
Can accept the organization resource UUID in place of the organization ID.
Can accept the "responsibleAssetUUID" field, instead of the "responsibleAssetID" field.
Can accept a UUID record, instead of an ID record, as the "responsibleAsset" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "parent → user" and "responsibleAsset" fields.
Modified /organization/securityManager::PATCH
Can accept the organization resource UUID in place of the organization ID.
Can accept the user resource UUID in place of the user ID.
Can accept the "responsibleAssetUUID" field, instead of the "responsibleAssetID" field.
Can accept a UUID record, instead of an ID record, as the "responsibleAsset" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "parent → user" and "responsibleAsset" fields.
Modified /organization/securityManager::DELETE
Can accept the organization resource UUID in place of the organization ID.
Can accept the user resource UUID in place of the user ID.
Can accept the migrate user UUID in place of the migrate user ID.
Modified /organization/user::GET
Can accept the organization resource UUID in place of the organization ID.
Can accept the user resource UUID in place of the user ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "parent → user" and "responsibleAsset" fields.
Modified /passivescanner::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories" field.
Returns a "type" field in the "repositories" field.
Modified /passivescanner::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories" field.
Returns a "type" field in the "repositories" field.
Modified /passivescanner::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repositories" field.
Returns a "type" field in the "repositories" field.
Modified /pluginFamily::GET
Returns a "type" field in the "plugins" field.
Modified /pubSite::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /pubSite::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /pubSite::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /query::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "query → filters → value" field if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "query → filters → value", operand1" and "operand2" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "query → filters → value" field if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /query::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "query → filters → value" field if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "query → filters → value", operand1" and "operand2" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "query → filters → value" field if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /query::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "query → filters → value" field if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "query → filters → value", operand1" and "operand2" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "query → filters → value" field if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /query/share::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "query → filters → value" field if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "query → filters → value", operand1" and "operand2" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "query → filters → value" field if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /rescastRiskRule::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "hostValue" field if the "hostType" is "asset", and the asset list is part of your organization context.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "organization", and "user" fields.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /rescastRiskRule::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "hostValue" field if the "hostType" is "asset", and the asset list is part of your organization context.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "organization", and "user" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" and "plugin" fields.
Modified /report::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /reportDefinition::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "filters → value" field of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "filters → value", operand1" and "operand2" fields of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "filters → value" field of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /reportDefinition::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "filters → value" field of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "filters → value", operand1" and "operand2" fields of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "filters → value" field of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /reportDefinition::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "filters → value" field of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "query → filters → value", operand1" and "operand2" fields if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "filters → value" field of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /reportDefinition/copy::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "filters → value" field of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "filters → value", operand1" and "operand2" fields of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "filters → value" field of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /reportDefinition/import::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "filters → value" field of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter is a type of asset list, audit file, policy, repository or user, whether it is a single record or multiple records.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "filters → value", operand1" and "operand2" fields of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter is a combination of assets and they are not, themselves, a combination record.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "filters → value" field of all query objects, nested under the "definition" and "xmlDefinition" fields, if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /report/image::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" field.
Modified /report/image::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" field.
Modified /report/image::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" field.
Modified /repository::GET
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /repository::POST
Can accept UUID records, instead of ID records, in the "organizations" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /repository::PATCH
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Can accept UUID records, instead of ID records, in the "organizations" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "type" field in the "query → filters → value" field if the filter (name) is "repository" or "auditFile."
Modified /repository::DELETE
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Modified /repository/acceptRiskRule::GET
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Can accept the "organizationUUIDs" field, instead of the "organizationIDs" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "hostValue" field if the "hostType" is "asset", and the asset list is part of your organization context.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "organization", and "user" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" and "plugin" fields.
Modified /repository/assetIntersections::GET
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Modified /repository/export::GET
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Modified /repository/import::POST
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Modified /repository/deviceInfo::GET
Clarified that the "dnsName" parameter may only be supplied with the "ip" parameter when a "uuid" parameter is not supplied.
Added a "sourceType" parameter to specify which data source, "cumulative" or "patched", to pull information from.
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository" field.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /repository/recastRiskRule::GET
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Can accept the "organizationUUIDs" field, instead of the "organizationIDs" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "hostValue" field if the "hostType" is "asset", and the asset list is part of your organization context.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "repository", "organization" and "user" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" and "plugin" fields.
Modified /repository/sync::POST
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Modified /repository/updateMobileData::POST
Can accept the repository resource UUID in place of the repository ID.
Modified /role::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" field.
Modified /role::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" field.
Modified /role::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "creator" field.
Modified /scanner::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "nessusManagerOrgs" and "zones" fields.
Modified /scanner::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "nessusManagerOrgs" and "zones" fields.
Modified /scanner::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "nessusManagerOrgs" and "zones" fields.
Modified /scan::GET
Can accept the scan resource UUID in place of the scan ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "credentials", "policy", "repository", "zone", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /scan::POST
Can accept UUID records, instead of ID records, in the "auditFiles" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "credentials", "policy", "repository", "zone", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /scan::PATCH
Can accept the scan resource UUID in place of the scan ID.
Can accept UUID records, instead of ID records, in the "auditFiles" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "credentials", "policy", "repository", "zone", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /scan::DELETE
Can accept the scan resource UUID in place of the scan ID.
Modified /scan/copy::POST
Can accept the scan resource UUID in place of the scan ID.
Can accept a UUID record instead of an ID record for the "targetUser" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "credentials", "policy", "repository", "zone", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "repository" field.
Modified /scan/launch::POST
Can accept the scan resource UUID in place of the scan ID.
Modified /policy::GET
Can accept the policy resource UUID in place of the policy ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policy → creator", "policy → owner", "auditFiles", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "auditFiles" and "families → plugins" fields.
Modified /policy::POST
Can accept UUID records, instead of ID records, in the "auditFiles" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policy → creator", "policy → owner", "auditFiles", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "auditFiles" and "families → plugins" fields.
Modified /policy::PATCH
Can accept the policy resource UUID in place of the policy ID.
Can accept UUID records, instead of ID records, in the "auditFiles" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policy → creator", "policy → owner", "auditFiles", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "auditFiles" and "families → plugins" fields.
Modified /policy::DELETE.
Can accept the policy resource UUID in place of the policy ID.
Modified /policy/copy::POST
Can accept the policy resource UUID in place of the policy ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policy → creator", "policy → owner", "auditFiles", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "auditFiles" and "families → plugins" fields.
Modified /policy/export::GET and /policy/export::POST
Can accept the resource UUID in place of the ID.
Modified /policy/import::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policy → creator", "policy → owner", "auditFiles", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "auditFiles" and "families → plugins" fields. (NOTE: This would be the case, however audit files are not imported when polices import. This was merely documented for possible, future necessity.)
Modified /policy/share::POST
Can accept the policy resource UUID in place of the policy ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "policy → creator", "policy → owner", "auditFiles", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "auditFiles" and "families → plugins" fields.
Modified /scanResult::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "scan" (if not already disassociated from the result), "repository", "initiator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "scan" and "repository" fields.
Modified /scanResult/pause::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "scan" (if not already disassociated from the result), "repository", "initiator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "scan" and "repository" fields.
Modified /scanResult/resume::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "scan" (if not already disassociated from the result), "repository", "initiator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "scan" and "repository" fields.
Modified /policy::DELETE.
Can accept the policy resource UUID in place of the policy ID.
Modified /scanResult/stop::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "scan" (if not already disassociated from the result), "repository", "initiator" and "owner" fields.
Returns a "type" field in the "scan" and "repository" fields.
Modified /zone::GET
Can accept the zone resource UUID in place of the zone ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /zone::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /zone::PATCH
Can accept the zone resource UUID in place of the zone ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "organizations" field.
Modified /zone::DELETE
Can accept the policy resource UUID in place of the policy ID.
Modified /status::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "zones" field.
Modified /ticket::GET
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "assignee", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /ticket::POST
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "assignee", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /ticket::PATCH
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "assignee", "creator" and "owner" fields.
Modified /user::GET
Can accept the user resource UUID in place of the user ID.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "parent → user", "linkedUsers" and "responsibleAsset" fields.
Modified /user::POST
Can accept the "responsibleAssetUUID" field, instead of the "responsibleAssetID" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "parent → user", "linkedUsers" and "responsibleAsset" fields.
Modified /user::PATCH
Can accept the user resource UUID in place of the user ID.
Can accept the "responsibleAssetUUID" field, instead of the "responsibleAssetID" field.
Can accept a UUID record, instead of an ID record, as the "responsibleAsset" field.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, for the resource.
Returns a "uuid" field, in addition to the "id" field, in the "parent → user", "linkedUsers" and "responsibleAsset" fields.
Modified /user::DELETE
Can accept the user resource UUID in place of the user ID.
Can accept the "orgUUID" field instead of the "orgID" field.
Can accept the "migrateUserUUID" field instead of the "migrateUserID" field.
Version 5.20.x 5.20.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
Added /host::GET endpoint for SC Exposure (Lumin-lite capabilities), which are used to retrieve a list of hosts. If a tenableUUID field is defined, the response will also include Findings (vulnerabilities) and a list of Installed Software for that specific host.
Added agent to the fields parameters for the /plugin::GET and /plugin/{id}::GET endpoints. Added agent to the response for the /plugin::GET endpoint. This field indicates if the plugin is agent capable.
Added networkDeleted to the response for the /repository/{id}::GET endpoint as part of luminFields. This is boolean field that indicates if the network in associated with the repository in (as part of the Lumin Connector) has been deleted
For the families fields parameter of the /policy::GET endpoint, added the Advanced Agent Scan Template (id="25") as eligible for getting families (in addition to the Advanced Scan Template (id = "1")).
For the /policy::POST endpoint, added the Advanced Agent Scan Template (id="25") as eligible for providing families in the request parameters. Also added agent to the policyTemplate object in the example response. This field indicates if the policy template is for agent scans.
For the families fields parameter of the /policy/{id}::GET endpoint, added the Advanced Agent Scan Template (id="25") as eligible for getting families (in addition to the Advanced Scan Template (id = "1")). Also added agent to the policyTemplate object in the example response. This field indicates if the policy template is for agent scans.
For the /policy/{id}/copy::POST endpoint, added agent to the policyTemplate object in the example response. This field indicates if the policy template is for agent scans.
For the /policy/{id}/share::POST endpoint, added agent to the policyTemplate object in the example response. This field indicates if the policy template is for agent scans.
Added agent to the fields parameters for the /policyTemplate::GET and /policyTemplate/{id}::GET endpoints. Added agent to the response for the /policyTemplate/{id}::GET endpoint. This is a boolean field that indicates if the policy template is for agent scans.
Added a new /user::PATCH parameter, currentPassword, that is required if password was included in the PATCH payload.
Version 5.19.x 5.19.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
Updated /credential::GET and /credential/{id}::GET to be able to return escalationAccount for "ssh" type credentials.
Updated /credential::POST for "ssh" type "Arcon" authType credentials so that privilegeEscalation can be provided and escalationAccount can be provided for the appropriate privilegeEscalation fields.
Updated /mgmt/insights::GET endpoint to include licensing information. The data will be fetched from the SCI table. If the license information is not retrieved for a particular day, then it will consider the total and active count for that day as 0.
The new response will include the licenseStatusInformation attribute under chart and usage.
New for the 5.19 release.
Added /mgmt/system/logFiles::GET endpoint which returns a list of log files on a linked Instance that are available to the current user.
Added /mgmt/system/logs::POST endpoint which returns a list of log messages on a linked Instance that are available to the current user based on a query parameter.
Added a new boolean request parameter ioNetworksEnabled to the /lumin/repositories::PATCH endpoint. If "true", vulnerability data is synchronized to Lumin using a separate network for each repository. The response for this endpoint has two (2) additional parameters per repository - enabled and ioNetworkUUID. The enabled parameter can be "true" or "false", which indicates if the repository is enabled for synchronizing to Lumin. The ioNetworkUUID parameteris the UUID of the network used to synchronize the vulnerability data when ioNetworksEnabled is set to "true."
Added new metrics to the response parameters for the /lumin/metrics::GET endpoint including ioRemediationMaturityGrade, ioRemediationMaturityGradeDelta, ioRemediationMaturityGradeLetter, ioAssessmentMaturityGradeLetter.
Added percentCapacityCumulative and percentCapacityPatched to the typeFields returned by the /repository::GET and /repository/{id}::GET endpoints. This is a percentage of the maximum capacity of cumulative and patched data for IPv4, IPv6, and Agent repositories. The current maximum is 64GB.
Added lastDbBackupStatus, lastDbBackupSuccess, and lastDbBackupFailure to the typeFields returned by the /status::GET endpoint. These fields contain the status of the last database update (0 = SUCCESS, otherwise FAILURE) and the timestamps of the last database backup success and failure.
Added /system/logFiles::GET endpoint which returns a list of log files available to the current user.
Added /system/logs::POST endpoint which returns a list of log messages available to the current user based on a query parameter.
Added /system/logs/download::POST which downloads a list of log messages available to the current user based on a query.
Version 5.18.x 5.18.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
Amended a feature name to comply with Tenable's inclusive language guidelines. The Blackout API's name is now changed to Freeze API in the product.
Moved vulnerability data lifetime values from /configuration to /repository. The following are no longer available with the /configuration::GET or ::PATCH endpoints: activeVulnsLifetime, passiveVulnsLifetime, lceVulnsLifetime, complianceVulnsLifetime, and mitigatedVulnsLifetime. These values are now at the repository level and are a part of the /repository endpoints.
Added /mgmt/insights::GET endpoints for Director, which retrieves the trending data for Scan Results, Scanners, and Scan Zones on Instances linked to Director.
Added /mgmt/organization endpoints for Director. GET for both /mgmt/organization and /organization/{id}, which are used to view the organization information on a linked Instance. This is currently used primarily when managing Nessus Scanners through Director (see the above endpoint)
Added /mgmt/scanner endpoints for Director. GET and POST for both /mgmt/scanner, which are used for adding new Nessus Scanners to the linked Instance through Director. GET, PATCH, and DELETE for /mgmt/scanner/{id}, which are used to view, modify, and delete the specified Scanner on its linked Instance through Director.
Added /mgmt/scanResult endpoints for Director customers and /all/scanResult endpoints for managed by Director users. GET for both /scanResult and /scanResult/{id}, and POST for /scanResult/{id}/email, /scanResult/{id}/stop, /scanResult/{id}/pause, /scanResult/{id}/resume, /scanResult/{id}/retrieve, and /scanResult/{id}/download. These endpoints are responsible for controlling Scan Results of SCIs linked to Director.
Added /mgmt/zone endpoints for Director. GET and POST for both /mgmt/zone, which are used for adding new Scan Zones to the linked Instance through Director. GET, PATCH, and DELETE for /mgmt/zone/{id}, which are used to view, modify and delete the specified Scan Zone on its' linked Instance through Director.
Added support for two new LDAP options, as customers can now provision their users on first-time logins and sync their attributes/metadata on every login. /ldap::POST and /ldap::PATCH calls can now configure the following parameters (1) ldapUserProvisioning and (2) ldapUserSync, though by default they are set to false.
Added to the POST envelope to support a new tool, "remediationdetail" and a new filter, "solutionID."
Added a clarification "NOTE" specifying that the "solutionID" filter only applies to tools "sumremediation" and "remediationdetail." Specified that the latter tool must use this "filter" to function.
Added a clarification "NOTE" specifying that the existing "outputAssets" filter only applies to the tool "sumasset" for both the "vuln" and "lce" query types.
Correction of the "/report/{id}/email" description, it was incorrectly set to the description of the /copy endpoint before it in the document. This endpoint is responsible for sharing a report result to specified users and/or list of email addresses.
Correction to the GET field names in API documentation, as the expected field values were creator and owner, but in API documentation it was written as CreatorID and ownerID, hence the following field names creatorID and ownerID have been changed to creator and owner.
Added vulnerability data expiration related fields to the typeFields returned by the /repository::GET and /repository/{id}::GET endpoints. For repositories with a dataFormat of "IPv4", added: activeVulnsLifetime, passiveVulnsLifetime, lceVulnsLifetime, complianceVulnsLifetime, and mitigatedVulnsLifetime. For repositories with a dataFormat of "IPv6", added: activeVulnsLifetime, passiveVulnsLifetime, complianceVulnsLifetime, and mitigatedVulnsLifetime. For repositories with a dataFormat of "agent", added: activeVulnsLifetime, complianceVulnsLifetime, and mitigatedVulnsLifetime. The units for these fields are specified in days.
Added vulnerability data expiration related fields to the /repository::POST and /repository/{id}::PATCH endpoints. For repositories with a dataFormat of "IPv4", added: activeVulnsLifetime, passiveVulnsLifetime, lceVulnsLifetime, complianceVulnsLifetime, and mitigatedVulnsLifetime. For repositories with a dataFormat of "IPv6", added: activeVulnsLifetime, passiveVulnsLifetime, complianceVulnsLifetime, and mitigatedVulnsLifetime. For repositories with a dataFormat of "agent", added: activeVulnsLifetime, complianceVulnsLifetime, and mitigatedVulnsLifetime. The units for these fields are specified in days. The default value for passiveVulnsLifetime is "7", and for the other fields is "365."
Clarifications by way of a "NOTE" stating that setting the schedule type to "template" will create a scan that will not run on a schedule.
Added /sci endpoints for Director. GET and POST for both /sci, which are used for adding and viewing Instances on Director. GET, PATCH, and DELETE for /sci/{id} which are used for managing the linked Instances on Director.
Version 5.17.x 5.17.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
This entire API has been deleted and is no longer functioning. Customers must use Tenable.ot, the new Industrial Security replacement.
The /analysis endpoint now supports a "startOffset" and "endOffset" for "vuln" type requests. This is similar to the /analysis/download endpoint.
Added a new filterName value, "uuid." Supported in asset::POST for assets of type "dynamic."
Added support for a new Credential type, Centrify, available for SSH and Windows.
Added "Privilege Escalation" option to the SSH Thycotic Secret Server credential.
Applied a correction to the POST request values for privilege escalation for SSH CyberArk Vault, to match the SC 5.17.0 REST API.
Applied a correction to the POST request values for privilege escalation type "dzdo" for auth types other than SSH Thycotic Secret Server, to match the SC 5.17.0 REST API.
Added support for a new Credential type, Sybase ASE., available for Databses.
Added support for a new Credential type, Apache Cassandra, available for Databses.
Expanded CSV import support to SQL Server, MySQL, and DB2 database type credentials. On POST for these database types when Source = 'Import' added a new field for providing the CSV file name. This new field is returned on GET and can be modified using PATCH.
Added Escalation Username field for SSH credentials with privilege escalation of type pbrun. On POST when Privilege Escalation = 'pbrun' added a new field for providing the Escalation Username. This new field is returned on GET and can be modified using PATCH.
Added a new field associated with an Organization, vulnScoringSystem, which holds the value of the scoring system used to compute vulnerability severity (e.g., "CVSSv2", "CVSSv3"). This field is returned on /organization::GET and /organization/{id}::GET and can be provided to /organization::POST and /organization/{id}::PATCH. The default value is "CVSSv3."
Applied a change to the "type" field. Now defaulted to "policy" as we no longer support "plugin" type policies (used for Remediation scans, which now use type "policy" as well).
Applied a correction to the GET endpoint description. Creating a request as an Admin, with orgID as a parameter, will retrieve all the Users within the provided organization.
Version 5.16.x 5.16 .x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
As an Administrator, when viewing a list of Administrators /user::GET, return the list of Linked Users for each Administrator showing user and organization.
As an Administrator, when creating a Linked User /user::POST, providing the ID for the parent Administrator is required. (NOTE: Only Administrators can create Linked Users.)
As an Administrator, when viewing an Administrator /user/{id}::GET, return its list of Linked Users showing user and organization.
As an Administrator, when viewing a Linked User /user/{id}::GET, return the parent Administrator information (user, organization).
As an Administrator, when locking an Administrator with Linked Users /user/{id}::PATCH(/user/{id}::PATCH), the Linked Users are locked as well.
As an Administrator, when editing a Linked User /user/{id}::PATCH(/user/{id}::PATCH), the following fields cannot be modified: (NOTE: Only Administrators can edit Linked Users.)
- roleID (must be "Security Manager")
- groupID (must be Full Access group)
- authType (must be "linked")
- parent (Linked Users cannot change parent Administrator)
- password
- mustChangePassword
As an Administrator, an Administrator cannot be deleted if it has Linked Users /user/{id}::DELETE. The Linked Users must be deleted first. (NOTE: Only Administrators can delete Linked Users.)
As an Organization User, linked users cannot be edited or deleted, and API keys cannot be created for linked users.
Version 5.15.x 5.15.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
Added "migrationStatus" to the response of /status::GET to indicate the status of the last migration that was run. Valid values are "Running" or "Stopped." A null value indicates that the migration was successful.
Version 5.14.x 5.14.x API includes the following new functionality:
Added a new endpoint /lumin/assets/schedule::GET for retrieving the current schedule for the daily synchronization of Assets to Lumin.
- 5.14.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
Clarified pre-existing behavior of results being inclusive of the startOffset parameter value and exclusive of the endOffset parameter value.
Duplicated "hostUniqueness" field to also return as original field name "uniqueness" to support integrations relying on field name.
Added new authType "Hashicorp" to "SSH", "Windows", and "Database" credentials.
Added new authType "Arcon" to "SSH" and "Windows" credentials.
Updated the request parameters for the /lumin/assets::PATCH endpoint to allow for a schedule object to be provided for the start time for the daily synchronization of assets to Lumin.
Dynamic assets are now supported for syncing Lumin assets.
For the endpoint /configSection/9::GET which returns Lumin configuration information, added a new element to the response object, "assetsSyncSchedule", which contains the schedule object for the daily synchronization of assets to IO/Lumin.
Version 5.13.x 5.13.x API includes the following new functionality:
New endpoints /lumin/repositories::PATCH and /lumin/assets::PATCH to allow for enabling Lumin Synchronization.
- 5.13.x API includes updates for the following endpoints:
Field "password" now supported for authType "certificate" in /scanner::GET, /scasnner:POST, and /scanner:PATCH. The conventions will follow the password field for Nessus Scanners, and return SET when a certificate password exists.
Industrial Security
Field "password" now supported for authType "certificate" in /industrialSecurity::GET, /industrialSecurity::POST, and /industrialSecurity::PATCH. The conventions will follow the password field for Industrial Security Instances, and return SET when a certificate password exists.
Field "password" now supported for authType "certificate" in /passivescanner::GET, /passivescanner::POST, and /passivescanner::PATCH. The conventions will follow the password field for Passive (NNM) Scanners, and return SET when a certificate password exists.
/configSection::GET - Added Lumin Section for ID 9.
Added new configuration section: /configSection/9::GET.
Added new configuration section: /configSection/9::PATCH.
Added fields "luminFields" and "ipOverlaps" to /repository::GET.
Added field "luminFields" to /repository/{id}::GET.
Added admin access to /asset::GET with a limited field subset including organization and luminFields.
Added admin access to /asset/{id}::GET with a limited field subset including organization and luminFields.
Added fields "source" and "csv_file" to /credential::POST, /credential::PATCH, and /credential::GET.
Added new string params “ioAccessKey” and "ioSecretKey" to /config/64::GET.
Added new string params “ioAccessKey” and "ioSecretKey" to /config/64::PATCH.
Modified attribute "uniqueness" to "hostUniqueness" in the response for certain vuln types.
The following functionality was removed from Tenable Security Center API:
Removed unsupported / undocumented endpoints: /system/fips::GET and /system/fips::POST.
Version 5.12.x 5.12.x API includes the following new functionality:
Added new field "SerializationDisabled" and missing field "telemetryEnabled" to /system::GET response.
Added debug option "dbIOErrors" to /system/debug::GET.
Added fields "touchDebuggingEnabled" and "migrationFailure" to /system/diagnostic::GET.
Created endpoint /scanner/{id}/bug-report.
Created endpoint /scanner/{id}/health.
Created endpoint /solutions::POST.
Created endpoint /solutions/{pluginID}::POST.
Created endpoint /solutions/{pluginID}/vuln::POST.
Created endpoint /solutions/{pluginID}/asset::POST.
filename and originalFilename now required for auditFileTemplate 'id' is '-1' instead of auditFileTemplate 'id' is not '-1' for /AuditFile::POST.
Removed non-existent endpoint /report/{id}/pause::POST.
Added new MDM types Blackberry UEM and Microsoft Intune to /mdm::GET.
The following functionality was removed from Tenable Security Center API:
IP Information
The /ipInfo::GET endpoint was deleted and the IP Information page was removed from API documentation. This functionality is now available through the /deviceInfo::GET endpoint.
The /repository/ipInfo::GET endpoint was deleted. This functionality is now available through the /repository/{id}/deviceInfo::GET endpoint.
The /report/{id}/publish::POST endpoint was deleted.
Version 5.11.x 5.11.x API includes the following new functionality:
Added new field "createDefaultObjects" in /group::GET and /group/<id>::GET
Added new parameter "createDefaultObjects" in /group::POST and /group/<id>::PATCH
Added new field “beyondtrust_api_user” in /credential::POST and /credential/<id>::PATCH for beyondTrust credentials of type "ssh" and "windows"
Added new parameter "beyondtrust_api_user” in /credential::GET and /credential/<id>::GET in the typeFields for credentials of type "ssh" and "windows"
Added new optional filter "optimizeCompletedScans" to /scanResult::GET to skip retrieval of progress fields (completedIPs, completedChecks, totalChecks) for scans that are no longer in progress to optimize speed.
The following functionality was deprecated (marked for future removal):
Marked fields "importReports", "importARCs", "importDashboards", "dashboardTemplate", and "arcTemplate" in /user::POST. During the deprecation period, the default of these fields will be updated to the new "createDefaultObjects" group setting.
Marked fields "importReports", "importARCs", "importDashboards", "dashboardTemplate", and "arcTemplate" in /user::POST. During the deprecation period, the default of these fields will be updated to the new "createDefaultObjects" group setting
Version 5.10.x 5.10 API includes the following changes:
Added new endpoint /system/debug::GET
Added new endpoint /system/debug::PATCH
Added new field “vprContext” to /plugin::GET
Added new field “vprContext” to /plugin/{id}::GET
Added new field “vprContext” to /pluginFamily/{id}/plugins::GET
Added new field “enabled” to the schedule object inside /scan::POST
Added new field “enabled” to the schedule object inside /scan/{id}::PATCH
Added fields “accessKey” and “secretKey” to /scanner::GET
Added fields “accessKey” and “secretKey” to /scanner/{id}::GET
Added fields “accessKey” and “secretKey” to /scanner/{id}::POST