Except for method GET, this endpoint may only be used by administrators.
Gets the list of Scanners.
NOTE: This call will return all Scanners for an Administrator. For an Organization User, it will only return agent-capable Scanners associated with that User's Organization.
Fields Parameter
Request Query Parameters
Example Response
Gets the Scanner associated with {id}.
NOTE: This call will return all Scanners for an Administrator. For an Organization User, it will only return agent-capable Scanners associated with that User's Organization.
Fields Parameter
Request Query Parameters
Example Response
Edits the Scanner associated with {id}, changing only the passed in fields.
Request Parameters
(All fields are optional)
See /scanner::POST for parameters.
Example Response
See /scanner/{id}::GETDeletes the Scanner associated with {id}, depending on access and permissions.
Request Parameters
Example Response
Tests the Scans glob against the API of the Scanner associated with {id}.
Request Parameters
Example Response
Downloads the bug report logs by querying the Nessus API endpoint for the Scanner associated with {id}.
Request Parameters
Example Response
Retrieve scanner health statistics by querying the Nessus API endpoint for the Scanner associated with {id}.
NOTE: The "count" field represents the number of data points to retrieve over the last 24 hours, with the default of "1" retrieving statistics for the current request.
Field Parameters
Example Response
The /scanner/updateStatus resource.
Expand Items:
Show type specific details (such as certificate information, etc.)