Gets the list of Assets. The result is broken up into two lists ("usable" and "manageable").
Fields Parameter
Template Parameter
This parameter will filter assets based on templates IDs. The IDs must be provided in a comma-separated format:
Filter Parameters
usable - The response will be an object containing an array of usable Assets. By default, both usable and manageable objects are returned.
manageable - The response will be an object containing all manageable Assets. By default, both usable and manageable objects are returned.
excludeAllDefined - If specified, the defined usable assets (currently id=0) will not be returned. This only applies to usable Assets.
excludeWatchlists - If specified, Assets of type 'watchlist' will be excluded from the usable and/or manageable array.
Request Query Parameters
Example Response
Organization User
Adds an Asset.
NOTE #1: If a template ID is provided:
- The template associated with the provided ID will be retrieved and used as the default values for the Asset. These values can be overwritten.
- The 'name' will be handled by the back-end, and would default to the template name. If that name already exists for an Asset with the creatorID of the session user, it would default the name to the name plus the next-lowest integer for that user i.e. "templateName(2)"
NOTE #2: The "prepare" parameter should be set to the string "false" if this Asset pertains to an ARC that will be subsequently created. ARC add will automatically "prepare" the files for this Asset, regardless.
NOTE #3: See Lumin for Lumin synchronization settings.
Request Parameters
Example Response
Gets the Asset associated with {id} or {uuid}.
Fields Parameter
Request Query Parameters
Organization User
Example Response
Organization User
Edits the Asset associated with {id} or {uuid}, changing only the passed in fields.
Request Parameters
(All fields are optional)
See /asset::POST for parameters.
Example Response
See /asset/{id}::GET and /asset/{uuid}::GET
Deletes the Asset associated with {id} or {uuid}, depending on access and permissions.
Request Parameters
Example Response
Imports an Asset specified by a previously uploaded, plain text XML file.
NOTE: The filename field should contain the value of the same parameter passed back on */file/upload::POST*.
Request Parameters
Example Response
Exports the Asset associated with {id} or {uuid} as plain text XML.
Request Parameters
Example Response
Starts an on-demand recalculation of the Asset files associated with {id} or {uuid}, minus any LDAP querying or Hostname resolution. This includes the Accessible Asset files of Asset {id} or {uuid} and any, affected Defining Assets files.
NOTE: This can only be called by Administrators.
Request Parameters
Example Response
Tests an LDAP query, depending on access and permissions.
Note: This endpoint is restricted to users of role 1 (Admin)
Request Parameters
Example Response
Shares the Asset associated with {id} or {uuid}, depending on access and permissions
Request Parameters
Example Response