/tes/user is only available in Tenable Enclave Security
Gets the list of Users. Depending on your role, this resource will return the following:
- A list of all Administrators (by default if the session user has the Administrator Role) or a list of all Users (if the session user is an Administrator and the optional field orgID is provided) in the provided organization.
- NOTE: If the orgID field is provided, the Fields parameter is not supported. See the example response for the static list of fields that are returned.
- A list of all Users within the Organization's context if the session user is not an Administrator, depending on access and permissions.
Fields Parameter
The fields not under * or ** can be used only by users with enough permissions which includes:
- Admin role
- Security Manager
- Users with 'Manage Users' enabled for any Group [ The fields will however be visible only for the users of the groups they can manage ]
- Logged in user can use these fields to view details for self only.
Request User Parameters
Example Request Query Parameters
Example Response
Administrator (with orgID field provided)
Organization User (Security Manager or User with ManageUser permission of any group)
Organization User (without ManageUsers in any Group permissions)
Paginated response
Adds a User. Depending on your role, this resource will add the following:
- An Administrator (by default if the session user has the Administrator Role) or a SecurityManager (if the session user is an Administrator and the optional field orgID is provided) into the provided organization.
- A User within the Organization's context if the session user is not an Administrator and has permission to manage users in group.
Request Parameters
Example Response
/tes/user/{uuid} and /tes/user/{id} are only available in Tenable Enclave Security
Gets the User associated with {id} or {uuid}. Depending on your role, this resource will return the following:
- An Administrator (by default if the session user has the Administrator Role) or a SecurityManager (if the session user is an Administrator and the optional field orgID is provided) in the provided organization.
- A User within the Organization's context if the session user is not an Administrator, depending on access and permissions.
Fields Parameter
The fields not under * or ** can be used only by users with enough permissions which includes:
- Admin role
- Security Manager
- Users with 'Manage Users' enabled for any Group [ The fields will however be visible only for the users of the groups they can manage ]
- Logged in user can use these fields to view details for self only.
Request User Parameters
Example Response
Organization User (Security Manager or User with ManageUser permission of any group)
NOTE: The parent object is only returned when viewing an Organization User as an Administrator.
Organization User (without ManageUsers in any Group permissions)
Any User (fetching details of self)
Edits the User associated with {id} or (uuid), changing only the passed in fields. Depending on your role, this resource allow you to edit the following:
- An Administrator (by default if the session user has the Administrator Role) or a SecurityManager (if the session user is an Administrator and the optional field orgID is provided) in the provided organization.
- A User within the Organization's context if the session user is not an Administrator, depending on access and permissions.
You cannot edit the current user using this endpoint.
If you are locking an Administrator, and that Administrator has linked users (organization users whose authType = "linked" and whose parent matches the Administrator being locked), those linked users are locked as well.
Only Administrators can edit linked users (organization users whose authType = "linked"), and the following fields cannot be edited: roleID, groupID, authType , parent, password, mustChangePassword.
The passwordExpirationOverride parameter does not apply to Administrator users.
Request Parameters
If the 'password' is included in the PATCH parameters, a valid 'currentPassword' is required in the same request payload. Otherwise all other parameters are optional and identical to /user::POST
Example Response
See /user/{id}::GETDeletes the User associated with {id} or {uuid}, depending on access and permissions. Depending on your role, this resource allows you to delete the following:
- An Administrator (by default if the session user has the Administrator Role) or a SecurityManager (if the session user is an Administrator and the optional field orgID is provided) in the provided organization.
- A User within the Organization's context if the session user is not an Administrator, depending on access and permissions.
The objects owned by the user being deleted can be migrated to another user by passing in the optional migrateUserID parameter. Depending on your role, this resource allows you to migrate based on the following conditions:
- If the session user has the Administrator Role, the Migrate User must be an Organization Security Manager in the Full Access Group and in the same Organization as the user being deleted.
- If the session user does not have the Administrator Role, you must be able to manage the objects of the Migrate User's group.
If an Administrator has linked users (organization users whose authType = "linked" and whose parent is the Administrator being deleted), that Administrator cannot be deleted without deleting the linked users first. Additionally, linked users can only be deleted by an Administrator.