Gets the list of Queries.
Fields Parameter

NOTE: Currently, all fields come back on GET all, but the ** indicates fields which will be listed in a future release
The fields parameter should be specified along the query string, and it takes the syntax
Allowed Fields type "vuln", sourceType "cumulative" | null
* id
** name
** description
* = always comes back
** = comes back if fields list not specified on GET all
Request Parameters

Parameters must be passed in as query string (as opposed to JSON) in the format of: /query?type=lce
1 2 | { "type" : <string> "alert" | "all" | "lce" | "mobile" | "ticket" | "user" | "vuln" DEFAULT "all" } |
Filter Parameters
usable - The response will be an object containing an array of usable Queries. By default, both usable and manageable objects are returned.
manageable - The response will be an object containing all manageable Queries. By default, both usable and manageable objects are returned.
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : { "usable" : [ { "id" : "1" , "name" : "Name" , "description" : "Test for posting an alert query" }, { "id" : "2" , "name" : "Post Copy Response Example" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "3" , "name" : "Post Copy Response Example2" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1391" , "name" : "TEST" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1467" , "name" : "Test 1" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1468" , "name" : "Test 2" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1469" , "name" : "Test 3" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1470" , "name" : "Test 4" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1471" , "name" : "Test 5" , "description" : "" } ], "manageable" : [ { "id" : "1" , "name" : "Name" , "description" : "Test for posting an alert query" }, { "id" : "2" , "name" : "Post Copy Response Example" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "3" , "name" : "Post Copy Response Example2" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1391" , "name" : "TEST" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1434" , "name" : "query1" , "description" : "Created with 'group1's shared asset: 'Test Asset 1'.\n\nThis asset will be unshared" }, { "id" : "1435" , "name" : "query2" , "description" : "Created with 'group1's shared asset: 'Test Asset 2'.\n\nThis asset will be deleted" }, { "id" : "1436" , "name" : "group1Query" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1467" , "name" : "Test 1" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1468" , "name" : "Test 2" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1469" , "name" : "Test 3" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1470" , "name" : "Test 4" , "description" : "" }, { "id" : "1471" , "name" : "Test 5" , "description" : "" } ] }, "error_code" : 0, "error_msg" : "" , "warnings" : [], "timestamp" : 1427750981 } |
Adds a Query
Request Parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | { "name" : <string>, "description" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "ownerID" : <string> DEFAULT <Session User ID) "tags" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "type" : <string> "alert" | "lce" | "mobile" | "ticket" | "user" | "vuln" , "context" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "browseColumns" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "browseSortColumn" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "browseSortDirection" : <string> "ASC" | "DESC" DEFAULT "ASC" , ... } |

Alert Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | ... "sortField" : <string> OPTIONAL (alphanumeric word(s) separated by a space/dash), "sortDir" : <string> "ASC" | "DESC" OPTIONAL (sort is case insensitive), "startOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer; default "1" if not specified and endOffset is specified), "endOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer), "tool" : <string> "listalerts" , "filters" : [ { "filterName" : <string> "alertName" | "createdEndTime" | "createdStartTime" | "createdTimeFrame" | "description" | "didTriggerLastEvaluation" | "lastEvaluatedEndTime" | "lastEvaluatedStartTime" | "lastEvaluatedTimeFrame" | "lastTriggeredEndTime" | "lastTriggeredStartTime" | "lastTriggeredTimeFrame" | "modifiedEndTime" | "modifiedStartTime" | "modifiedTimeFrame" , "operator" : <string> "" , "value" : <string> | <number> }... ] DEFAULT [] ... |

LCE Type
NOTE #1: Filter operators are not validated, but the provided filters are the ones that will properly function.
NOTE #2: Filter "outputAssets" only applies to tool "sumasset".
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | ... "sortField" : <string> OPTIONAL (alphanumeric word(s) separated by a space/dash. Must accompany sortDir), "sortDir" : <string> "ASC" | "DESC" OPTIONAL ( default "ASC" if not specified and sortField is specified), "startOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer; lower bound to returned record set. default 0 if not specified), "endOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer; upper bound to returned record set. default 100 if not specified), "tool" : <string> "listdata" | "sumasset" | "sumclassa" | "sumclassb" | "sumclassc" | "sumdate" | "sumevent" | "sumevent2" | "sumip" | "sumport" | "sumprotocol" | "sumsensor" | "sumtime" | "sumtype" | "sumuser" | "syslog" | "timedist" , "filters" : [ { "filterName" : <string> "asset" | "assetID" | "connectionDirection" | "correlated" | "date" | "destAsset" | "destAssetID" | "destip" | "detailedEventName" | "dport" | "endtime" | "eventName" | "ip" | "lce" | "lceIDs" | "numEvents" | "outputAssets" | "port" | "protocol" | "repository" | "repositoryIDs" | "sensor" | "silo" | "sourceAsset" | "sourceAssetID" | "sourceip" | "sport" | "starttime" | "text" | "timeframe" | "type" | "user" , filterName "asset" | "assetID" | "connectionDirection" | "correlated" | "date" | "destAsset" | "destAssetID" | "destip" | "detailedEventName" | "endtime" | "eventName" | "ip" | "lce" | "lceIDs" | "numEvents" | "outputAssets" | "protocol" | "repository" | "repositoryIDs" | "sensor" | "silo" | "sourceAsset" | "sourceAssetID" | "sourceip" | "starttime" | "text" | "timeframe" | "type" | "user" ------------------------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "!=" , "value" : (Format depends on filter 's "filterName" parameter) filterName "dport" | "port" | "sport" ------------------------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "!=" | "<=" | ">=", "value" : (Format depends on filter' s "filterName" parameter) }... ] DEFAULT [] ... |
sourceType "archive"
Note: sourceType will never be "archive." This is included for informational purposes only. Current functionality doesn't accept a "sourceType" parameter, and will always set it to default QUERY_NOT_TREND (null)
1 2 3 4 5 | ... "view" : <string>, "lce" : { "id" : <number> } ... |

Mobile Type
NOTE: Filter operators are not validated, but the provided filters are the ones that will properly function.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | ... "sortField" : <string> OPTIONAL (alphanumeric; any valid field returned in the results entry for the corresponding tool. [Some restrictions apply.] Must accompany sortDir), "sortDir" : <string> "ASC" | "DESC" OPTIONAL ( default "ASC" if not specified and sortField is specified), "startOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer; lower bound to returned record set. Must be explicitly supplied for tool "vulndetails" ), "endOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer; upper bound to returned record set. Must be explicitly supplied for tool "vulndetails" ), "tool" : <string> "listvuln" | "sumdeviceid" | "summdmuser" | "summodel" | "sumoscpe" | "sumpluginid" | "vulndetails" , "filters" : [ { "filterName" : <string> "baseCVSSScore" | "cvssV3BaseScore" | "deviceID" | "deviceModel" | "deviceUser" | "deviceVersion" | "exploitAvailable" | "family" | "familyID" | "lastMitigated" | "lastSeen" | "mdmType" | "osCPE" | "patchPublished" | "pluginID" | "pluginModified" | "pluginName" | "pluginOutput" | "pluginPublished" | "port" | "protocol" | "repository" | "repositoryIDs" | "serialNumber" | "severity" | "vulnPublished" , filterName "osCPE" | "baseCVSSScore" | "cvssV3BaseScore" | "pluginOutput" | "repository" | "repositoryIDs" | "deviceID" | "deviceModel" | "deviceUser" | "pluginID" ------------------------------------------------------------ "operator" : "=" | "!=" , "value" : (Format depends on filter 's "filterName" parameter) filterName "mdmType" | "pluginName" | "lastMitigated" | "lastSeen" | "vulnPublished" | "pluginModified" | "patchPublished" | "pluginPublished" | "acceptedRisk" | "daysMitigated" | "dnsName" | "exploitAvailable" | "family" | "familyID" | "ip" | "lastMitigated" | "mitigatedStatus" | "pluginText" | "port" | "protocol" | "recastRisk" | "responsibleUser" | "severity" | "xref" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "<=" | ">=" | "!=" | "between" | "outside" | "contains" | "excludes" | "in" | "!in", "value" : (Format depends on filter' s "filterName" parameter) }... ] DEFAULT [] ... |

Ticket Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | ... "sortField" : <string> OPTIONAL (alphanumeric; must accompany sortDir), "sortDir" : <string> "ASC" | "DESC" OPTIONAL (sort is case insensitive; must accompany sortField), "startOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer; default "0" if not specified and endOffset is specified), "endOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer), "tool" : <string> "listtickets" | "sumassignee" | "sumclassification" | "sumcreator" | "sumstatus" , "filters" : [ { "filterName" : <string> "assignedEndTime" | "assignedStartTime" | "assignedTimeFrame" | "assignee" | "assigneeID" | "classification" | "closedEndTime" | "closedStartTime" | "closedTimeFrame" | "createdEndTime" | "createdStartTime" | "createdTimeFrame" | "modifiedEndTime" | "modifiedStartTime" | "modifiedTimeFrame" | "owner" | "ownerID" | "resolvedEndTime" | "resolvedStartTime" | "resolvedTimeFrame" | "status" , "value" : (Format depends on filter's "filterName" parameter) }... ] DEFAULT [] ... |

User Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | ... "sortField" : <string> OPTIONAL (alphanumeric; must accompany sortDir. username, roleID, and groupID will attempt to perform case -insensitive sort on the text field in relation to the ID), "sortDir" : <string> "ASC" | "DESC" OPTIONAL (sort is case insensitive; must accompany sortField), "startOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer; default "1" if not specified and endOffset is specified), "endOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer), "tool" : <string> "listusers" | "sumgroup" | "sumrole" , "filters" : [ { "filterName" : <string> "address" | "authType" | "country" | "email" | "fax" | "firstname" | "group" | "groupID" | "lastLoginEndTime" | "lastLoginStartTime" | "lastLoginTimeFrame" | "lastname" | "locked" | "phone" | "role" | "roleID" | "state" | "title" | "username" , "operator" : <string>, "value" : (Format depends on filter's "filterName" parameter) }... ] ... |

Vuln Type
NOTE #1: Filter operators are not validated, but the provided filters are the ones that will properly function.
NOTE #2: Filter "outputAssets" only applies to tool "sumasset".
NOTE #3: Filter "solutionID" only applies to tools "sumremediation" and "remediationdetail". Moreover, tool "remediationdetail" must specify a "solutionID" filter.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 | ... "sortField" : <string> OPTIONAL (alphanumeric; any valid field returned in the results entry for the corresponding tool. [Some restrictions apply.] Must accompany sortDir), "sortDir" : <string> "ASC" | "DESC" DEFAULT "ASC" ( default "ASC" if not specified and sortField is specified), "startOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer; lower bound to returned record set. Must be explicitly supplied for tools "vulndetails" and "listvuln" ), "endOffset" : <number> OPTIONAL (integer; upper bound to returned record set. Must be explicitly supplied for tools "vulndetails" and "listvuln" ), "tool" : <string> "iplist" | "listmailclients" | "listos" | "listservices" | "listsoftware" | "listsshservers" | "listvuln" | "listwebclients" | "listwebservers" | "remediationdetail" | "sumasset" | "sumcce" | "sumclassa" | "sumclassb" | "sumclassc" | "sumcve" | "sumdnsname" | "sumfamily" | "sumiavm" | "sumid" | "sumip" | "summsbulletin" | "sumport" | "sumprotocol" | "sumremediation" | "sumseverity" | "sumuserresponsibility" | "vulndetails" | "vulnipdetail" | "vulnipsummary" , "filters" : [ { "filterName" : <string> "acceptRiskStatus" | "asset" | "assetCriticalityRating" | "assetID" | "auditFile" | "auditFileID" | "baseCVSSScore" | "benchmarkName" | "cceID" | "cpe" | "cveID" | "cvssV3BaseScore" | "cvssV3Vector" | "cvssVector" | "dataFormat" | "daysMitigated" | "daysToMitigated" | "dnsName" | "exploitAvailable" | "exploitFrameworks" | "family" | "familyID" | "firstSeen" | "iavmID" | "ip" | "lastMitigated" | "lastSeen" | "mitigatedStatus" | "msbulletinID" | "outputAssets" | "patchPublished" | "pluginID" | "pluginModified" | "pluginName" | "pluginPublished" | "pluginText" | "pluginType" | "policy" | "policyID" | "port" | "protocol" | "recastRiskStatus" | "repository" | "repositoryIDs" | "responsibleUser" | "responsibleUserIDs" | "severity" | "solutionID" | "stigSeverity" | "tcpport" | "udpport" | "uuid" | "vprScore" | "vulnPublished" | "xref" , filterName "acceptRiskStatus" ----------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> "all" | "accepted" | "notAccepted" NOTE: During evaluation on the Analysis page, or for various objects, presenting no "acceptRiskStatus" filter defaults to the "notAccepted" behavior. filterName "asset" ------------------ "operator" : <string> "=" | "~" (combination expression), filterName "asset" , operator "=" -------------------------------- "value" : [ { "id" : <number> (integer) }... ] filterName "asset" , operator "~" -------------------------------- "value" : <comboRecord> { "operator" : <string> "complement" | "intersection" | "difference" | "union" , "operand1" : <comboRecord> | <number> (integer) | { "id" : <number> (integer) } operator not "complement" ------------------------- "operand2" : <comboRecord> | <number> (integer) | { "id" : <number> (integer) } } filterName "assetCriticalityRating" -------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> (inclusive, nonnegative, decimal range, using a dash [ "-" ] delimiter) filterName "auditFile" | "policy" | "repository" | "responsibleUser" -------------------------------------------------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : { "id" : <number> (integer) } filterName "baseCVSSScore" -------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> (inclusive, nonnegative, decimal range, using a dash [ "-" ] delimiter) filterName "benchmarkName" -------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" (fuzzy-left, right-anchored match), "value" : <string> filterName "cceID" | "iavmID" ----------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" (fuzzy match), "value" : <string> (comma-separated list) filterName "cpe" ---------------- "operator" : <string> "=" (i.e. explicit per entry) | "~=" (i.e. fuzzy match across entire entries string) | "pcre" (i.e. Perl-compatible, regular expression, across entire entries string), filterName "cpe" , operator "=" | "~=" ------------------------------------- "value" : <string> (comma-separated or newline-separated list) filterName "cpe" , operator "pcre" --------------------------------- "value" : <string> (Perl-compatible, regular expression) filterName "cveID" | "msbulletinID" ----------------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" (fuzzy match), "value" : <string> (comma-separated or newline-separated list) filterName "cvssVector" ----------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> (comma-separated list of Simple or Complex CVSS vectors) Simple CVSS Vector = <string> "AV:L" | "AV:A" | "AV:N" | "AC:H" | "AC:M" | "AC:L" | "Au:N" | "Au:S" | "Au:M" | "C:N" | "C:P" | "C:C" | "I:N" | "I:P" | "I:C" | "A:N" | "A:P" | "A:C" | "E:ND" | "E:U" | "E:P" | "E:POC" | "E:F" | "E:H" | "RL:ND" | "RL:O" | "RL:OF" | "RL:T" | "RL:TF" | "RL:W" | "RL:U" | "RC:ND" | "RC:UC" | "RC:UR" | "RC:C" Complex CVSS Vector = <string> (slash-separated list of Simple CVSS Vectors where all entries must match) filterName "cvssV3BaseScore" -------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> (inclusive, nonnegative, decimal range, using a dash [ "-" ] delimiter) filterName "cvssV3Vector" ----------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> (comma-separated list of Simple or Complex CVSS vectors) Simple CVSS Vector = <string> "AV:P" | "AV:L" | "AV:A" | "AV:N" | "AC:H" | "AC:L" | "PR:H" | "PR:L" | "PR:N" | "PR:U" | "UI:R" | "UI:N" | "S:C" | "S:U" | "C:N" | "C:L" | "C:H" | "I:N" | "I:L" | "I:H" | "A:N" | "A:L" | "A:H" | "E:H" | "E:F" | "E:P" | "E:U" | "E:X" | "RL:U" | "RL:W" | "RL:OF" | "RL:T" | "RL:O" | "RL:X" | "RC:C" | "RC:R" | "RC:U" | "RC:X" Complex CVSS Vector = <string> (slash-separated list of Simple CVSS Vectors where all entries must match) filterName "daysMitigated" | "firstSeen" | "lastMitigated" | "lastSeen" | "pluginModified" | "pluginPublished" | "vulnPublished" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" (relative with custom format), "value" : <string> "<minDaysBack>:<maxDaysBack>" (Both minDaysBack and maxDaysBack are provided in the number of days ago. [e.g. "0:90" is between now and 90 days ago].) | "<minDaysBack>:all" (A value "all" indicates to return all results before minDaysBack) | "currentMonth" | "lastMonth" | "currentQuarter" (i.e. the current fiscal quarter) | "lastQuarter" filterName "dnsName" -------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> (comma-separated or newline-separated list of valid DNS names) filterName "exploitAvailable" ----------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> "true" | "false" filterName "exploitFrameworks" ------------------------------ "operator" : <string> "=" (i.e. explicit for entire entries string) | "~=" (i.e. fuzzy match across entire entries string), "value" : <string> filterName "family" ------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "!=" , "value" : [ { "id" : <number> (integer) }... ] filterName "ip" --------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "!=" , "value" : <string> (comma-separated or newline-separated list of valid IPs and/or DNS names) filterName "mitigatedStatus" ---------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> "previously" | "never" filterName "outputAssets" ------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> (comma-separated list of Integers) | [ { "id" : <number> (integer) }... ] filterName "patchPublished" --------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> "<endDay>:<startDay>" | "<endDay>:all" (Both endDay and startDay are provided in the number of days ago. [e.g. "0:90" is between now and 90 days ago]. A value of "all" for startDay is interpreted as "0" [i.e. from "now" , back endDay days ago]) | "currentMonth" | "lastMonth" | "currentQuarter" (i.e. the current fiscal quarter) | "lastQuarter" | "none" (i.e vulnerabilities that cannot be resolved through a patch) filterName "pluginID" --------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "!=" | "<=" | ">=" , filterName "pluginID" , operator "=" | "!=" ------------------------------------------ "value" : <number> (comma-separated or newline-separated list of integers or inclusive integer ranges, using a dash [ "-" ] delimiter, with each value between 0 and 8388607) filterName "pluginID" , operator "<=" | ">=" ------------------------------------------- "value" : <number> (integer, between 0 and 8388607) filterName "pluginName" ----------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" (i.e. fuzzy match) | "pcre" (i.e. Perl-compatible, regular expression), "value" : <string> filterName "pluginText" ----------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" (i.e. fuzzy match, stripped text [forced]) | "pcre" (i.e. Perl-compatible, regular expression, stripped text [forced]), "value" : <string> filterName "pluginType" ----------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> "passive" | "lce" | "active" | "compliance" (comma-separated) filterName "port" | "tcpport" | "udpport" ----------------------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "!=" | "<=" | ">=" , filterName "port" | "tcpport" | "udpport" , operator "=" | "!=" -------------------------------------------------------------- "value" : <number> (comma-separated or newline-separated list of integers or inclusive integer ranges, using a dash [ "-" ] delimiter, with each value between 0 and 65535) filterName "port" | "tcpport" | "udpport" , operator "<=" | ">=" --------------------------------------------------------------- "value" : <number> (integer, between 0 and 65535) filterName "protocol" --------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "!=" , "value" : <string> (comma-separated or newline-separated list of integers) filterName "recastRiskStatus" ----------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> "recast" | "notRecast" filterName "severity" --------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "!=" , "value" : <string> (comma-separated or newline-separated list of integers) | [ { "id" : <number> (integer) }... ] filterName "solutionID" --------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" "value" : <string> "SC-" + <number> (comma-separated or newline-separated list of integers; number is an integer representing the Plugin ID of a solution) filterName "stigSeverity" ------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "!=" , "value" : <string> (comma-separated or newline-separated list of Roman Numerals) | [ { "id" : <string> (valid Roman Numeral) }... ] filterName "vprScore" -------------------------- "operator" : <string> "=" , "value" : <string> (inclusive, nonnegative, decimal range, using a dash [ "-" ] delimiter) filterName "xref" ----------------- "operator" : <string> "=" | "!=" , "value" : <string> (comma-separated list of XREF Expressions) XREF Expression = <string> "<type>|<wildCard>" (XREF Type and ID Wildcard, pipe-delimited) XREF Type = <string> ID Wildcard = <string> (where "?" matches a single occurrence of any character and "*" matches any character, any number of times) }... ] DEFAULT [] ... |
sourceType "cumulative" | null
Note: sourceType will always be null. Current functionality doesn't accept a "sourceType" parameter, and will always set it to default QUERY_NOT_TREND (null)
1 2 | ... "tool" : <string> "cceipdetail" | "cveipdetail" | "iavmipdetail" | "ipcount" | "iplist" | "listmailclients" | "listos" | "listservices" | "listsoftware" | "listsshservers" | "listvuln" | "listwebclients" | "listwebservers" | "popcount" | "sumasset" | "sumcce" | "sumcceasr" | "sumclassa" | "sumclassb" | "sumclassc" | "sumcpe" | "sumcve" | "sumdnsname" | "sumfamily" | "sumiavm" | "sumid" | "sumip" | "summsbulletin" | "sumport" | "sumprotocol" | "sumremediation" | "sumseverity" | "sumuserresponsibility" | "trend" | "vulndetails" | "vulnipdetail" | "vulnipsummary" ... |
sourceType "individual"
Note: sourceType will never be "individual." This is included for informational purposes only. Current functionality doesn't accept a "sourceType" parameter, and will always set it to default QUERY_NOT_TREND (null)
1 2 3 | ... "tool" : <string> "cceipdetail" | "cveipdetail" | "iavmipdetail" | "ipcount" | "iplist" | "listmailclients" | "listos" | "listservices" | "listsoftware" | "listsshservers" | "listvuln" | "listwebclients" | "listwebservers" | "popcount" | "sumasset" | "sumcce" | "sumcceasr" | "sumclassa" | "sumclassb" | "sumclassc" | "sumcpe" | "sumcve" | "sumdnsname" | "sumfamily" | "sumiavm" | "sumid" | "sumip" | "summsbulletin" | "sumport" | "sumprotocol" | "sumremediation" | "sumseverity" | "sumuserresponsibility" | "trend" | "vulndetails" | "vulnipdetail" | "vulnipsummary" , "scanID" : <number>... |
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : { "id" : "12" "name" : "Test Combo Filter 2" , "description" : "" , "tool" : "sumid" , "type" : "vuln" , "tags" : "" , "context" : "" , "browseColumns" : "" , "browseSortColumn" : "" , "browseSortDirection" : "ASC" , "createdTime" : "1403620113" , "modifiedTime" : "1403620113" , "status" : "0" , "ownerGID" : "0" , "targetGID" : "-1" , "filters" : [ { "filterName" : "ip" , "operator" : "=" , "value" : "" } ], "canManage" : "true" , "canUse" : "true" , "creator" : { "id" : "1" "username" : "JohnD" , "firstname" : "John" , "lastname" : "Doe" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "owner" : { "id" : "1" , "username" : "JohnD" , "firstname" : "John" , "lastname" : "Doe" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "ownerGroup" : { "id" : "0" , "name" : "Full Access" , "description" : "Full Access group" }, "targetGroup" : { "id" : -1, "name" : "" , "description" : "" } }, "error_code" : 0, "error_msg" : "" , "warnings" : [], "timestamp" : 1404224762 } |
Gets the Query associated with {id}.
Fields Parameter

The fields parameter should be specified along the query string, and it takes the syntax
Allowed Fields
* id
** name
** description
* = always comes back
** = comes back if fields list not specified on GET all
NOTE: Currently, all fields come back on GET all, but the ** indicates fields which will be listed in a future release
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : { "id" : "12" "name" : "Test Combo Filter 2" , "description" : "" , "tool" : "sumid" , "type" : "vuln" , "tags" : "" , "context" : "" , "browseColumns" : "" , "browseSortColumn" : "" , "browseSortDirection" : "ASC" , "createdTime" : "1403620113" , "modifiedTime" : "1403620113" , "status" : "0" , "ownerGID" : "0" , "targetGID" : "-1" , "filters" : [ { "filterName" : "ip" , "operator" : "=" , "value" : "" } ], "canManage" : "true" , "canUse" : "true" , "creator" : { "id" : "1" "username" : "JohnD" , "firstname" : "John" , "lastname" : "Doe" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "owner" : { "id" : "1" , "username" : "JohnD" , "firstname" : "John" , "lastname" : "Doe" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "ownerGroup" : { "id" : "0" , "name" : "Full Access" , "description" : "Full Access group" }, "targetGroup" : { "id" : -1, "name" : "" , "description" : "" } }, "error_code" : 0, "error_msg" : "" , "warnings" : [], "timestamp" : 1404224762 } |
Edits the Query associated with {id} , changing only the passed in fields.
Request Parameters
(All fields are optional)
See /query::POST for parameters.
Example Response
See /query/{id}::GETDeletes the Query associated with {id} , depending on access and permissions.
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : "" , "error_code" : 0, "error_msg" : "" , "warnings" : [], "timestamp" : 1403100582 } |
Shares the Query associated with {id}, depending on access and permissions
Request Parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 | { "groups" : [ { "id" : <number> }... ] } |
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : { "id" : "3" , "name" : "Post Copy Response Example2" , "description" : "" , "tool" : "sumid" , "type" : "vuln" , "tags" : "" , "context" : "" , "browseColumns" : "" , "browseSortColumn" : "" , "browseSortDirection" : "ASC" , "createdTime" : "1408380088" , "modifiedTime" : "1408380088" , "status" : "0" , "ownerGID" : "0" , "targetGID" : "-1" , "filters" : [ { "filterName" : "ip" , "operator" : "=" , "value" : "" } ], "creator" : { "id" : "1" , "username" : "head" , "firstname" : "Security Manager" , "lastname" : "" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "owner" : { "id" : "1" , "username" : "head" , "firstname" : "Security Manager" , "lastname" : "" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "ownerGroup" : { "id" : "0" , "name" : "Full Access" , "description" : "Full Access group" }, "targetGroup" : { "id" : -1, "name" : "" , "description" : "" } }, "error_code" : 0, "error_msg" : "" , "warnings" : [], "timestamp" : 1409087882 } |