Gets the Dashboard Components associated with dashboard {dID}.
Fields Parameter
Request Parameters
Example Response
Adds a Dashboard Component to dashboard {dID}.
NOTE: If a template ID is provided:
- The template associated with the provided ID will be retrieved and used as the default values for the Dashboard Component.
- The template ID provided must be a "component" (not a "collection")
- The 'name' isn't enforced as unique and, therefore, there is no automation for modifying the name field automatically.
- Templates do not specify an order and/or column. These fields are still required.
- For non-matrix components, a schedule must be provided. For matrix components, there are some conversion issues with templates that are currently being discussed.
Request Parameters
Example Response
Gets the Dashboard Component associated with dashboard {dID} and component {cID}.
Fields Parameter
Request Parameters
Example Response
Edits the Dashboard associated with dashboard {dID} and component {cID}, changing only the passed in fields.
NOTE #1: If no definition parameter is passed, the original definition is maintained. If a definition parameter is passed (even an empty array), the old definition is recreated.
NOTE #2: Only users in the same group as the owner (and with proper permissions) can make modifications to a component. Users in another group (with proper permissions), however, can change the order and column.
Request Parameters
(All fields are optional)
See /dashboard/{dID}/component::POST for parameters.
Example Response
Deletes the Dashboard associated with dashboard {dID} and component {cID}, depending on access and permissions
Request Parameters
Example Response
Refreshes the Dashboard Component associated with dashboard {dID} and component {cID}.