Gets the list of Credentials.
Fields Parameter

The fields parameter should be specified along the query string, and it takes the syntax
NOTE: 'typeFields' returns type-specific parameters inside of a 'typeFields." It does not consider authType, privilegeEscalation, or dbType. If requested, typeFields returns as follows:
type"database": login, password, sid, port, authType, dbType, oracleAuthType, oracle_service_type, source, csv_file, SQLServerAuthType, vault_host, vault_port, vault_username, vault_password, vault_cyberark_url, vault_safe, vault_app_id, vault_folder, vault_use_ssl, vault_verify_ssl, vault_address, vault_account_name, vault_cyberark_client_cert, vault_cyberark_private_key, vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase, lieberman_host, lieberman_port, lieberman_pam_user, lieberman_pam_password, lieberman_use_ssl, lieberman_verify_ssl, lieberman_system_name, hashicorp_host, hashicorp_port,hashicorp_authentication_type,hashicorp_role_id,hashicorp_role_secret_id, hashicorp_client_cert, hashicorp_private_key, hashicorp_private_key_passphrase, hashicorp_auth_url,hashicorp_namespace, hashicorp_kv_url, hashicorp_username_source,hashicorp_userkey,hashicorp_passkey,hashicorp_secret,hashicorp_use_ssl,hashicorp_verify_ssl, hashicorp_vault_type,sybase_ase_auth_type,pam_user,pam_password,pam_auth_method,kdc,kdc_port,kdc_transport,pam_kdc_domain,pam_api_user,pam_api_key,pam_ssh_key
type"ssh": authType, username, password, publicKey, privateKey, passphrase, kdc_ip, kdc_port, kdc_protocol, kdc_realm, vault_host, vault_port, vault_username, vault_password, vault_cyberark_url, vault_safe, vault_app_id, vault_folder, vault_use_ssl, vault_verify_ssl, vault_address, vault_account_name, vault_cyberark_client_cert, vault_cyberark_private_key, vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase, thycotic_secret_name, thycotic_url, thycotic_username, thycotic_password, thycotic_organization, thycotic_domain, thycotic_private_key, thycotic_ssl_verify, privilegeEscalation, escalationUsername, escalationPassword, escalationSuUser, escalationPath, escalationAccount, lieberman_host, lieberman_port, lieberman_pam_user, lieberman_pam_password, lieberman_use_ssl, lieberman_verify_ssl, beyondtrust_host, beyondtrust_port, beyondtrust_api_key, beyondtrust_duration, beyondtrust_use_ssl, beyondtrust_verify_ssl, beyondtrust_use_private_key, beyondtrust_use_escalation, beyondtrust_api_user, hashicorp_host, hashicorp_port,hashicorp_authentication_type,hashicorp_role_id,hashicorp_role_secret_id, hashicorp_client_cert, hashicorp_private_key, hashicorp_private_key_passphrase, hashicorp_auth_url,hashicorp_namespace, hashicorp_kv_url, hashicorp_username_source,hashicorp_userkey,hashicorp_passkey,hashicorp_secret,hashicorp_use_ssl,hashicorp_verify_ssl, pam_host, pam_port, pam_api_user, pam_api_key, pam_auth_url, pam_query_url, pam_engine_url, pam_namespace, pam_duration, pam_use_ssl, pam_verify_ssl, hashicorp_vault_type,pam_secret_name,pam_ssh_key,pam_auth_method,,kdc,kdc_port,kdc_transport,realm
type"snmp": communityString
type"windows": authType, username, password, domain, kdc_ip, kdc_port, kdc_protocol, vault_host, vault_port, vault_username, vault_password, vault_cyberark_url, vault_safe, vault_app_id, vault_folder, vault_use_ssl, vault_verify_ssl, thycotic_secret_name, thycotic_url, vault_account_name, vault_cyberark_client_cert, vault_cyberark_private_key, vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase, thycotic_username, thycotic_password, thycotic_organization, thycotic_domain, thycotic_ssl_verify, lieberman_host, lieberman_port, lieberman_pam_user, lieberman_pam_password, lieberman_use_ssl, lieberman_verify_ssl, beyondtrust_host, beyondtrust_port, beyondtrust_api_key, beyondtrust_duration, beyondtrust_use_ssl, beyondtrust_verify_ssl, beyondtrust_api_user, hashicorp_host, hashicorp_port,hashicorp_authentication_type,hashicorp_role_id,hashicorp_role_secret_id, hashicorp_client_cert, hashicorp_private_key, hashicorp_private_key_passphrase, hashicorp_auth_url,hashicorp_namespace, hashicorp_kv_url, hashicorp_username_source,hashicorp_userkey,hashicorp_passkey,hashicorp_secret,hashicorp_use_ssl,hashicorp_verify_ssl, pam_host, pam_port, pam_api_user, pam_api_key, pam_auth_url, pam_query_url, pam_engine_url, pam_namespace, pam_duration, pam_use_ssl, pam_verify_ssl, hashicorp_vault_type,kdc,kdc_port,kdc_transport
type"apiGateway": authType,datapower_client_cert, datapower_private_key, datapower_private_key_passphrase, datapower_enable_hashicorp, datapower_custom_header_key, datapower_custom_header_value
Allowed Fields
Session user role not "1" (Administrator)
* = always comes back
** = comes back if fields list not specified on GET all
redFont = field is a JSON object ( e.g. "repository" :{ "id" : <id>, "name" : <name> } )
Request Parameters
Filter Parameters
usable - The response will be an object containing an array of usable Credentials. By default, both usable and manageable objects are returned.
manageable - The response will be an object containing all manageable Credentials. By default, both usable and manageable objects are returned.
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : { "usable" : [ { "id" : "1000001" , "name" : "Test" , "description" : "" , "type" : "ssh" , "uuid" : "E7BC705C-9088-4F5A-81A0-A5B13F5C4331" }, { "id" : "1000002" , "name" : "test" , "description" : "" , "type" : "ssh" , "uuid" : "E58A2208-2776-4200-B6E5-A844AC26E338" } ], "manageable" : [ { "id" : "1000001" , "name" : "Test" , "description" : "" , "type" : "ssh" , "uuid" : "E7BC705C-9088-4F5A-81A0-A5B13F5C4331" }, { "id" : "1000002" , "name" : "test" , "description" : "" , "type" : "ssh" , "uuid" : "E58A2208-2776-4200-B6E5-A844AC26E338" } ] }, "error_code" : 0, "error_msg" : "" , "warnings" : [], "timestamp" : 1408719365 } |
Adds a Credential.
Request Parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 | { "name" : <string>, "tags" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "description" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "type" : <string> "apiGateway" | "database" | "windows" | "snmp" | "ssh" | "webAuthentication" ... } |
NOTE: webAuthentication type is only available for Security Center instances with WAS active license
type is "database"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 | { ... "login" : <string>, "authType" : <string> "cyberark" | "Hashicorp" | "lieberman" | "password" , "dbType" : <string> "Oracle" | "SQL Server" | "DB2" | "MySQL" | "PostgreSQL" | "Informix/DRDA" | "Sybase ASE" | "Apache Cassandra" , authType "password" ------------------- "password" : <string>, "sid" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "port" : <string> (valid port number), authType "cyberark" ------------------- "vault_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "vault_port" : <string> (valid port number), "vault_username" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_cyberark_url" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_safe" : <string>, "vault_app_id" : <string>, "vault_policy_id" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_folder" : <string>, "vault_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "vault_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "vault_address" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_account_name" : <string>, "vault_cyberark_client_cert" : <string>, "vault_cyberark_private_key" : <string>, "vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase" : <string>, "sid" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "port" : <string> (valid port number), "dbType" : <string>, authType "cyberarkAutoDiscovery" ------------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_app_id" : <string>, "pam_address" : <string>, "pam_safe" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_auth_method" : "Client Certificate" | "IIS Basic Authentication" , "vault_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_username" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_private_key_passphrase" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_user" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "dbType" : <string>, authType "senhasegura" ------------------- "pam_api_key" : <string>, "pam_api_user" : <string>, "pam_credential_id" : <string>, "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_private_key" : <string>, "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "sid" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "port" : <string> (valid port number), "dbType" : <string>, authType "wallix" ------------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_auth_method" : "Basic" | "API Key" , "pam_user" : <string>, "pam_password" : <string>, "pam_api_key" : <string>, "pam_api_user" : <string>, "pam_credential_id" : <string>, "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "sid" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "port" : <string> (valid port number), "dbType" : <string>, authType "Hashicorp" -------------------- "hashicorp_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "hashicorp_port" : <string> (valid port number), "hashicorp_authentication_type" : <string> "App Role" | "Certificates" , "hashicorp_role_id" : <string>, "hashicorp_role_secret_id" : <string>, "hashicorp_client_cert" : <string>, "hashicorp_private_key" : <string>, "hashicorp_private_key_passphrase" : <string>, "hashicorp_auth_url" : <string>, "hashicorp_namespace" : <string>, "hashicorp_kv_url" : <string>, "hashicorp_username_source" : <string> "Hashicorp Vault" | "Manual Entry" , "hashicorp_userkey" : <string>, "hashicorp_passkey" : <string>, "hashicorp_secret" : <string>, "hashicorp_use_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , "hashicorp_verify_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , "hashicorp_vault_type" : <string> "KV1" | "KV2" | "AD" , "pam_auth_method" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "kdc" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "kdc_port" : <string> (valid port number), "kdc_transport" : <string>, "sid" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "port" : <string> (valid port number), "dbType" : <string>, authType "lieberman" -------------------- "lieberman_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "lieberman_port" : <string> (valid port number), "lieberman_pam_user" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "lieberman_pam_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "lieberman_use_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , "lieberman_verify_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , "lieberman_system_name" : <string>, "sid" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "port" : <string> (valid port number), "dbType" : <string>, dbType "Oracle" --------------- "OracleAuthType" : <string>, "oracle_service_type" : <string>, "source" : <string>, dbType "Oracle" and source "Import" ----------------------------------- "csv_file" : <string>, dbType "DB2" ------------ "source" : <string> "Entry" | "Import" , dbType "DB2" and source "Import" -------------------------------- "csv_file" : <string>, dbType "MySQL" -------------- "source" : <string> "Entry" | "Import" , dbType "MySQL" and source "Import" ---------------------------------- "csv_file" : <string>, dbType "SQL Server" ------------------- "SQLServerAuthType" : <string>, "source" : <string> "Entry" | "Import" , dbType "SQL Server" and source "Import" --------------------------------------- "csv_file" : <string>, dbType "Sybase ASE" ------------------- "sybase_ase_auth_type" : <string> "RSA" | "Plain Text" } |
type is "ssh"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 | { ... "username" : <string>, "authType" : <string> "Arcon" | "BeyondTrust" | "Centrify" | "certificate" | "cyberark" | "delinea" | "Hashicorp" | "kerberos" | "lieberman" | "password" | "publickey" | "thycotic" authType "Arcon" ---------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_api_user" : <string>, "pam_api_key" : <string>, "pam_auth_url" : <string>, "pam_query_url" : <string>, "pam_engine_url" : <string>, "pam_namespace" : <string>, "pam_duration" : <string>, "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" authType "BeyondTrust" ---------------------- "beyondtrust_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "beyondtrust_port" : <string> (valid port number), "beyondtrust_api_key" : <string>, "beyondtrust_duration" : <string>, "beyondtrust_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "beyondtrust_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "beyondtrust_use_private_key" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "beyondtrust_use_escalation" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "beyondtrust_api_user" : <string>, authType "Centrify" ---------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_api_user" : <string>, "pam_api_key" : <string>, "pam_namespace" : <string>, "pam_auth_url" : <string>, "pam_query_url" : <string>, "pam_engine_url" : <string>, "username" : <string>, "pam_duration" : <string>, "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" authType "certificate" ---------------------- "publicKey" : <string>, "privateKey" : <string>, "passphrase" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" , authType "cyberark" ------------------- "vault_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "vault_port" : <string> (valid port number), "vault_username" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_cyberark_url" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_safe" : <string>, "vault_app_id" : <string>, "vault_policy_id" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_folder" : <string>, "vault_use_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , "vault_verify_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , "vault_address" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_account_name" : <string>, "vault_cyberark_client_cert" : <string>, "vault_cyberark_private_key" : <string>, "vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase" : <string>, "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" , authType "cyberarkAutoDiscovery" ------------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_app_id" : <string>, "pam_address" : <string>, "pam_safe" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_auth_method" : "Client Certificate" | "IIS Basic Authentication" , "vault_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_username" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_private_key_passphrase" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_user" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "sudo" , authType "senhasegura" ------------------- "pam_api_key" : <string>, "pam_api_user" : <string>, "pam_credential_id" : <string>, "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_private_key" : <string>, "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" , authType "wallix" ------------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_auth_method" : "Basic" | "API Key" , "pam_user" : <string>, "pam_password" : <string>, "pam_api_key" : <string>, "pam_api_user" : <string>, "pam_credential_id" : <string>, "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" , authType "delinea" -------------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_password" : <string>, "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_secret_name" : <string>, "pam_duration" : <string> (valid duration number in hours), "pam_ssh_key" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_user" : <string>, "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" | "Checkpoint Gaia 'Expert'" , "escalationCustomPasswordPrompt" : <string>, authType "Hashicorp" -------------------- "hashicorp_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "hashicorp_port" : <string> (valid port number), "hashicorp_authentication_type" : <string> "App Role" | "Certificates" , "hashicorp_role_id" : <string>, "hashicorp_role_secret_id" : <string>, "hashicorp_client_cert" : <string>, "hashicorp_private_key" : <string>, "hashicorp_private_key_passphrase" : <string>, "hashicorp_auth_url" : <string>, "hashicorp_namespace" : <string>, "hashicorp_kv_url" : <string>, "hashicorp_username_source" : <string> "Hashicorp Vault" | "Manual Entry" , "hashicorp_userkey" : <string>, "hashicorp_passkey" : <string>, "hashicorp_secret" : <string>, "hashicorp_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "hashicorp_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "hashicorp_vault_type" : <string> "KV1" | "KV2" | "AD" | "LDAP" "pam_auth_method" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "kdc" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "kdc_port" : <string> (valid port number), "kdc_transport" : <string>, "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" , authType "kerberos" ------------------- "password" : <string>, "kdc_ip" : <string> (valid IP address), "kdc_port" : <string> (valid port number), "kdc_protocol" : <string>, "kdc_realm" : <string>, "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" , authType "lieberman" -------------------- "lieberman_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "lieberman_port" : <string> (valid port number), "lieberman_pam_user" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "lieberman_pam_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "lieberman_use_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , "lieberman_verify_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , authType "password" ------------------- "password" : <string>, "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" , authType "publickey" -------------------- "privateKey" : <string>, "passphrase" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" , authType "thycotic" ------------------- "thycotic_secret_name" : <string>, "thycotic_url" : <string>, "thycotic_username" : <string>, "thycotic_password" : <string>, "thycotic_organization" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "thycotic_domain" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "thycotic_private_key " : <string> "no" | "yes" , "thycotic_ssl_verify" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" | "su" | "sudo" | "su+sudo" | "dzdo" | "pbrun" | "cisco" | ".k5login" , privilegeEscalation ".k5login" and authType not "cyberark" ---------------------------------------------------------- "escalationUsername" : <string> privilegeEscalation ".k5login" and authType "cyberark" ------------------------------------------------------ "escalationPassword" : <string> privilegeEscalation "cisco" and authType not "Arcon" or "thycotic" ------------------------------------------------------------------ "escalationPassword" : <string> privilegeEscalation "cisco" and authType "Arcon" or "thycotic" -------------------------------------------------------------- "escalationUsername" : <string> privilegeEscalation "dzdo" and authType not "Arcon" or "thycotic" ----------------------------------------------------------------- "escalationUsername" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPassword" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "dzdo" and authType "Arcon" ----------------------------------------------- "escalationUsername" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationAccount" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "dzdo" and authType "thycotic" -------------------------------------------------- "escalationUsername" : <string>, DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "pbrun" and authType not "Arcon" or "thycotic" ------------------------------------------------------------------ "escalationPassword" : <string>, "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "pbrun" and authType "Arcon" ------------------------------------------------ "escalationUsername" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationAccount" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "pbrun" and authType "thycotic" --------------------------------------------------- "escalationUsername" : <string>, "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "su+sudo" and authType not "Arcon" or "thycotic" -------------------------------------------------------------------- "escalationSuUser" : <string>, "escalationUsername" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPassword" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "su+sudo" and authType "Arcon" -------------------------------------------------- "escalationSuUser" : <string>, "escalationUsername" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationAccount" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "su+sudo" and authType "thycotic" ----------------------------------------------------- "escalationSuUser" : <string>, "escalationUsername" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPassword" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "su" | "sudo" and authType not "Arcon" or "thycotic" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "escalationUsername" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPassword" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "su" | "sudo" and authType "Arcon" ------------------------------------------------------ "escalationUsername" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationAccount" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "su" | "sudo" and authType "thycotic" --------------------------------------------------------- "escalationUsername" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" privilegeEscalation "Checkpoint Gaia 'Expert'" and authType "delinea" --------------------------------------------------------- "escalationUsername" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "escalationPath" : <string> DEFAULT "" } |
type is "snmp"
1 2 3 | { ... "communityString" : <string>} |
type is "windows"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 | { ... "username" : <string>, "authType" : <string> "BeyondTrust" | "Centrify" | "cyberark" | "cyberarkAutoDiscovery" | "delinea" | "senhasegura" | "wallix" | "Hashicorp" | "kerberos" | "lieberman" | "lm" | "ntlm" | "password" | "thycotic" , authType "Arcon" ---------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_api_user" : <string>, "pam_api_key" : <string>, "pam_auth_url" : <string>, "pam_query_url" : <string>, "pam_engine_url" : <string>, "pam_namespace" : <string>, "pam_duration" : <string>, "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" authType "BeyondTrust" ---------------------- "domain" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "beyondtrust_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "beyondtrust_port" : <string> (valid port number), "beyondtrust_api_key" : <string>, "beyondtrust_duration" : <string>, "beyondtrust_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "beyondtrust_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "beyondtrust_api_user" : <string> authType "Centrify" ---------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_api_user" : <string>, "pam_api_key" : <string>, "pam_namespace" : <string>, "pam_auth_url" : <string>, "pam_query_url" : <string>, "pam_engine_url" : <string>, "username" : <string>, "pam_duration" : <string>, "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" authType "cyberark" ------------------- "domain" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "vault_port" : <string> (valid port number), "vault_username" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_cyberark_url" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_safe" : <string>, "vault_app_id" : <string>, "vault_policy_id" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_folder" : <string>, "vault_use_ssl" : <string>, "vault_verify_ssl" : <string>, "vault_account_name" : <string>, "vault_cyberark_client_cert" : <string>, "vault_cyberark_private_key" : <string>, "vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase" : <string> authType "cyberarkAutoDiscovery" ------------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_app_id" : <string>, "pam_address" : <string>, "pam_safe" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_auth_method" : "Client Certificate" | "IIS Basic Authentication" , "vault_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "vault_username" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_private_key_passphrase" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_user" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , authType "senhasegura" ------------------- "pam_api_key" : <string>, "pam_api_user" : <string>, "pam_credential_id" : <string>, "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_private_key" : <string>, "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , authType "wallix" ------------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_auth_method" : "Basic" | "API Key" , "pam_user" : <string>, "pam_password" : <string>, "pam_api_key" : <string>, "pam_api_user" : <string>, "pam_credential_id" : <string>, "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , authType "delinea" -------------------- "pam_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "pam_password" : <string>, "pam_port" : <string> (valid port number), "pam_secret_name" : <string>, "pam_duration" : <string> (valid duration number in hours), "pam_ssh_key" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_user" : <string>, "pam_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "pam_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" , authType "Hashicorp" -------------------- "hashicorp_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "hashicorp_port" : <string> (valid port number), "hashicorp_authentication_type" : <string> "App Role" | "Certificates" , "hashicorp_role_id" : <string>, "hashicorp_role_secret_id" : <string>, "hashicorp_client_cert" : <string>, "hashicorp_private_key" : <string>, "hashicorp_private_key_passphrase" : <string>, "hashicorp_auth_url" : <string>, "hashicorp_namespace" : <string>, "hashicorp_kv_url" : <string>, "hashicorp_username_source" : <string> "Hashicorp Vault" | "Manual Entry" , "hashicorp_userkey" : <string>, "hashicorp_passkey" : <string>, "hashicorp_secret" : <string>, "hashicorp_use_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , "hashicorp_verify_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , "hashicorp_vault_type" : <string> "KV1" | "KV2" | "AD" | "LDAP" "pam_auth_method" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "kdc" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "kdc_port" : <string> (valid port number), "kdc_transport" : <string>, authType "kerberos" ------------------- "password" : <string>, "kdc_ip" : <string> (valid IP address), "kdc_port" : <string> (valid port number), "kdc_protocol" : <string>, "kdc_realm" : <string> authType "lieberman" -------------------- "lieberman_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "lieberman_port" : <string> (valid port number), "lieberman_pam_user" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "lieberman_pam_password" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "lieberman_use_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" , "lieberman_verify_ssl" : <string> "false" | "true" authType "lm" | "ntlm" | "password" ----------------------------------- "password" : <string>, "domain" : <string> DEFAULT "" authType "thycotic" ------------------- "domain" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "thycotic_secret_name" : <string>, "thycotic_url" : <string>, "thycotic_username" : <string>, "thycotic_password" : <string>, "thycotic_organization" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "thycotic_domain" : <string> DEFAULT "" , "thycotic_ssl_verify" : <string> "no" | "yes" , "privilegeEscalation" : <string> "none" DEFAULT "none" } |
type is "apiGateway"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | { ... "authType" : <string> "ibmDPGateway" , authType "ibmDPGateway" ---------------- "datapower_client_cert" : <string>, "datapower_custom_header_key" : <string>, "datapower_custom_header_value" : <string>, "datapower_enable_hashicorp" : <string> "no" | "yes" DEFAULT "yes" , "datapower_private_key" : <string>, "datapower_private_key_passphrase" : <string>} |
type is "miscellaneous"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | { ... "authType" : <string> "nutanix" , authType "nutanix" ---------------- "nutanix_host" : <string> (valid IP or IP host), "nutanix_port" : <string> (valid port number), "nutanix_username" : <string>, "nutanix_password" : <string>, "nutanix_auto_discover_host" : <string> "no" | "yes" DEFAULT "yes" , "nutanix_auto_discover_vm" : <string> "no" | "yes" DEFAULT "yes" , "nutanix_use_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" DEFAULT "yes" , "nutanix_verify_ssl" : <string> "no" | "yes" DEFAULT "no" , "context" : <string>} |
type is "webAuthentication"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | { ... "authType" : <string> "ClientCertificate" | "HTTPServer" | "WebApplication" authType "ClientCertificate" ---------------- "client_cert" : <string> (generated name of uploaded file), "private_key" : <string> (generated name of uploaded file), "passphrase" : <string>, "login_check_pattern" : <string> authType "HTTPServer" ---------------- "username" : <string>, "password" : <string>, "auth_type" : <string> "basic" | "ntlm" | "kerberos" authType "HTTPServer" and auth_type "kerberos" "username" : <string>, "password" : <string>, "auth_type" : <string> "kerberos" , "kerberos_domain" : <string>, "kdc_address" : <string> authType "WebApplication" ---------------- "was_auth_method" : <string> "login_form" | "cookie" | "api_key" | "selenium" | "bearer" , ... authType "WebApplication" and was_auth_method "login_form" ---------------- "login_check" : <string>, "login_parameters" : <string>, "login_check_pattern" : <string> authType "WebApplication" and was_auth_method "cookie" ---------------- "cookies" : <string>, "cookie_check_pattern" : <string> authType "WebApplication" and was_auth_method "api_key" ---------------- "headers" : <string>, "login_check_pattern" : <string> authType "WebApplication" and was_auth_method "selenium" ---------------- "script_contents" : <string> (generated name of uploaded file), "login_check_pattern" : <string> authType "WebApplication" and was_auth_method "bearer" ---------------- "token" : <string>, "login_check_pattern" : <string>} |
NOTE: The following fields (login_parameters, cookies, headers) must have the following construct
1. Key-Value pair is delimited by the colon character ':'
2. Key and value must be base64 encoded separately
3. Parameters (Key-Value pairs) are separated by a comma
1 2 3 4 5 6 | Construct: <base64encoded key>:<base64encoded value>,<base64encoded key>:<base64encoded value>,... Example Desired Input (multiple): Key: "Test Key 1" , Value: "Test Value 1" Key: "Test Key 2" , Value: "Test Value 2" Actual Input Required: VGVzdCBLZXkgMQ==:VGVzdCBWYWx1ZSAx,VGVzdCBLZXkgMg==:VGVzdCBWYWx1ZSAy |
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : { "id" : "1000009" , "type" : "database" , "name" : "'database' Test PATCH" , "description" : "Manually inputted in data for use in testing" , "tags" : "" , "createdTime" : "1433187223" , "modifiedTime" : "1433265608" , "typeFields" : { "login" : "test" , "password" : "SET" , "sid" : "" , "port" : "49" , "dbType" : "Oracle" , "oracleAuthType" : "test" , "SQLServerAuthType" : "" }, "groups" : [], "canUse" : "true" , "canManage" : "true" , "creator" : { "id" : "1" , "username" : "head" , "firstname" : "Security Manager" , "lastname" : "" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "owner" : { "id" : "1" , "username" : "head" , "firstname" : "Security Manager" , "lastname" : "" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "ownerGroup" : { "id" : "0" , "name" : "Full Access" , "description" : "Full Access group" }, "targetGroup" : { "id" : -1, "name" : "" , "description" : "" }, "uuid" : "701246AF-956F-4185-A514-62F7959B031E" }, "error_code" : 0, "error_msg" : "" , "warnings" : [], "timestamp" : 1433279057 } |
Gets the Credential associated with {id} or {uuid}.
Fields Parameter

The fields parameter should be specified along the query string, and it takes the syntax
NOTE: 'typeFields' returns type-specific parameters inside of a 'typeFields." It does not consider authType, privilegeEscalation, or dbType. If requested, typeFields returns as follows:
type"database": login, password, sid, port, dbType, oracleAuthType, oracle_service_type, SQLServerAuthType, vault_host, vault_port, vault_username, vault_password, vault_cyberark_url, vault_safe, vault_app_id, vault_folder, vault_use_ssl, vault_verify_ssl, vault_address, vault_account_name, vault_cyberark_client_cert, vault_cyberark_private_key, vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase, lieberman_host, lieberman_port, lieberman_pam_user, lieberman_pam_password, lieberman_use_ssl, lieberman_verify_ssl, lieberman_system_name, hashicorp_host, hashicorp_port,hashicorp_authentication_type,hashicorp_role_id,hashicorp_role_secret_id, hashicorp_client_cert, hashicorp_private_key, hashicorp_private_key_passphrase, hashicorp_auth_url,hashicorp_namespace, hashicorp_kv_url, hashicorp_username_source,hashicorp_userkey,hashicorp_passkey,hashicorp_secret,hashicorp_use_ssl,hashicorp_verify_ssl, hashicorp_vault_type,sybase_ase_auth_type
type"ssh": authType, username, password, publicKey, privateKey, passphrase, kdc_ip, kdc_port, kdc_protocol, kdc_realm, vault_host, vault_port, vault_username, vault_password, vault_cyberark_url, vault_safe, vault_app_id, vault_folder, vault_use_ssl, vault_verify_ssl, vault_address, vault_account_name, vault_cyberark_client_cert, vault_cyberark_private_key, vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase, thycotic_secret_name, thycotic_url, thycotic_username, thycotic_password, thycotic_organization, thycotic_domain, thycotic_private_key, thycotic_ssl_verify, privilegeEscalation, escalationUsername, escalationPassword, escalationSuUser, escalationPath, escalationAccount, lieberman_host, lieberman_port, lieberman_pam_user, lieberman_pam_password, lieberman_use_ssl, lieberman_verify_ssl, beyondtrust_host, beyondtrust_port, beyondtrust_api_key, beyondtrust_duration, beyondtrust_use_ssl, beyondtrust_verify_ssl, beyondtrust_use_private_key, beyondtrust_use_escalation, beyondtrust_api_user, hashicorp_host, hashicorp_port,hashicorp_authentication_type,hashicorp_role_id,hashicorp_role_secret_id, hashicorp_client_cert, hashicorp_private_key, hashicorp_private_key_passphrase, hashicorp_auth_url,hashicorp_namespace, hashicorp_kv_url,hashicorp_username_source,hashicorp_userkey,hashicorp_passkey,hashicorp_secret,hashicorp_use_ssl,hashicorp_verify_ssl, pam_host, pam_port, pam_api_user, pam_api_key, pam_auth_url, pam_query_url, pam_engine_url, pam_namespace, pam_duration, pam_use_ssl, pam_verify_ssl, hashicorp_vault_type
type"snmp": communityString
type"windows": authType, username, password, domain, kdc_ip, kdc_port, kdc_protocol, vault_host, vault_port, vault_username, vault_password, vault_cyberark_url, vault_safe, vault_app_id, vault_folder, vault_use_ssl, vault_verify_ssl, thycotic_secret_name, thycotic_url, vault_account_name, vault_cyberark_client_cert, vault_cyberark_private_key, vault_cyberark_private_key_passphrase, thycotic_username, thycotic_password, thycotic_organization, thycotic_domain, thycotic_ssl_verify, lieberman_host, lieberman_port, lieberman_pam_user, lieberman_pam_password, lieberman_use_ssl, lieberman_verify_ssl, beyondtrust_host, beyondtrust_port, beyondtrust_api_key, beyondtrust_duration, beyondtrust_use_ssl, beyondtrust_verify_ssl, beyondtrust_api_user, hashicorp_host, hashicorp_port,hashicorp_authentication_type,hashicorp_role_id,hashicorp_role_secret_id, hashicorp_client_cert, hashicorp_private_key, hashicorp_private_key_passphrase, hashicorp_auth_url,hashicorp_namespace, hashicorp_kv_url, hashicorp_username_source,hashicorp_userkey,hashicorp_passkey,hashicorp_secret,hashicorp_use_ssl,hashicorp_verify_ssl, pam_host, pam_port, pam_api_user, pam_api_key, pam_auth_url, pam_query_url, pam_engine_url, pam_namespace, pam_duration, pam_use_ssl, pam_verify_ssl, hashicorp_vault_type
type"apiGateway": authType, datapower_client_cert, datapower_private_key, datapower_private_key_passphrase, datapower_enable_hashicorp, datapower_custom_header_key, datapower_custom_header_value
Allowed Fields
Allowed Fields
Session user role not "1" (Administrator)
* = always comes back
** = comes back if fields list not specified on GET all
redFont = field is a JSON object ( e.g. "repository" :{ "id" : <id>, "name" : <name> } )
Request Parameters
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : { "id" : "1000009" , "type" : "database" , "name" : "'database' Test PATCH" , "description" : "Manually inputted in data for use in testing" , "tags" : "" , "createdTime" : "1433187223" , "modifiedTime" : "1433265608" , "typeFields" : { "login" : "test" , "password" : "SET" , "sid" : "" , "port" : "49" , "dbType" : "Oracle" , "oracleAuthType" : "test" , "SQLServerAuthType" : "" }, "groups" : [], "canUse" : "true" , "canManage" : "true" , "creator" : { "id" : "1" , "username" : "head" , "firstname" : "Security Manager" , "lastname" : "" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "owner" : { "id" : "1" , "username" : "head" , "firstname" : "Security Manager" , "lastname" : "" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "ownerGroup" : { "id" : "0" , "name" : "Full Access" , "description" : "Full Access group" }, "targetGroup" : { "id" : -1, "name" : "" , "description" : "" }, "uuid : " 701246AF-956F-4185-A514-62F7959B031E " }, " error_code " : 0, " error_msg " : " ", " warnings " : [], " timestamp" : 1433279057 } |
Edits the Credential associated with {id} or {uuid}, changing only the passed in fields.
Request Parameters
Note #1: A Credential's 'type' parameter may not be modified, but 'authType' may be modified.
Note #2: When a Credential's authType, dbType, or privilegeEscalation parameters are modified, the parameters that no longer apply will be cleared by default.
Parameters that still may apply, however, are maintained by default. Either may be passed to override default, though fields that no longer apply would give an error.
i.e. If privilegeEscalation is modified from 'su' to 'cisco', the 'escalationPassword' parameter applies and will be maintained. The escalationUsername and escalationPath parameters no longer apply, however, and will be cleared.
Note #3: When a password field is saved, the response will be a string "SET". During PATCH, however, "SET" should not be passed back, or it will be considered to be the new password.
(All fields are optional)
See /credential::POST for parameters.
Example Response
See /credential/{id}::GET and /credential/{uuid}::GET.Deletes the Credential associated with {id} or {uuid}, depending on access and permissions.
Request Parameters
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : "" , "error_code" : 0, "error_msg" : "" , "warnings" : [], "timestamp" : 1408723358 } |
Shares the Credential associated with {id} or {uuid}, depending on access and permissions.
Note: Admin users cannot share credentials. Application credentials cannot be shared.
Request Parameters

1 2 3 4 5 6 | { "groups" : [ { "id" : <number> }... ] } |
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : { "id" : "1000002" , "creatorID" : "1" , "ownerID" : "1" , "type" : "kerberos" , "name" : "test" , "description" : "" , "tags" : "" , "createdTime" : "1407871560" , "modifiedTime" : "1407871560" , "ownerGID" : "0" , "targetGID" : "-1" , "ip" : "" , "port" : "1" , "protocol" : "stuff" , "realm" : "stuff" , "canUse" : "true" , "canManage" : "true" , "creator" : { "id" : "1" , "username" : "head" , "firstname" : "Security Manager" , "lastname" : "" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "owner" : { "id" : "1" , "username" : "head" , "firstname" : "Security Manager" , "lastname" : "" , "uuid" : "48F26F3B-6A79-4153-96DB-4C63D1BF3D46" }, "ownerGroup" : { "id" : "0" , "name" : "Full Access" , "description" : "Full Access group" }, "targetGroup" : { "id" : -1, "name" : "" , "description" : "" }, "uuid" : "E58A2208-2776-4200-B6E5-A844AC26E338" }, "error_code" : 0, "error_msg" : "" , "warnings" : [], "timestamp" : 1409082841 } |
Gets the full list of unique Credential tags
Note: Organization user responses will contain both organization and admin policy tags. Admin user responses will contain only admin policy tags.
Request Parameters
Example Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | { "type" : "regular" , "response" : [ "Tag1" , "Tag2" , "Tag3" ], "error_code" : 0, "error_msg" : "" , "warnings" : [], "timestamp" : 1461093219 } |