Archive a Finding

You can archive one, several, or all findings on the Findings tab in Attack Path Analysis. By archiving a finding, you are effectively accepting the risk of the finding as part of attack paths within Attack Path Analysis.

Note: Attack Path Analysis automatically archives findings that are no longer part of any attack paths. For more information, see Log History.

To archive a finding:

  1. Access the Findings tab.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • In the Findings list, next to the finding you want to archive, click the button.

      A menu appears.

      1. Click Move to Archived.

    • In the Findings list, select the check box next to each finding you want to archive.

      1. At the top of the list, click More.

        A menu appears.

      2. Click Move to Archived.

    A confirmation message appears.

  3. Click Move to Archived.

    Attack Path Analysis moves the finding to the Archived Findings section.

Tip: View the Log History to see the movement history of any given finding.