Get Started with Tenable Inventory

Tenable recommends following these steps to get started with Tenable Inventory data and functionality.

Tip: For additional information on getting started with Tenable One products, check out the Tenable One Deployment Guide and review the following customer education materials:


License, Access, and Log In

To use Tenable One, you purchase licenses for assets: resources identified by—or managed in—your Tenable products. Each Tenable One product has a different asset type. For more information, see the Tenable One Licensing Quick-Reference Guide.

To acquire a license:

  1. Determine the interface that best suits your business objectives. For more information, see Use Cases.

  2. Contact your Tenable representative to purchase the appropriate package.

To access and log in to Tenable Inventory:

Follow the Log in to Tenable Inventory steps.

Configure Tenable Inventory for Use

Assess Your Exposure

Review your CES and perform analysis:

  • Access Tenable Inventory, where you can:

    • Find devices, user accounts, software, cloud assets, SaaS applications, networks, and their weaknesses.

    • Unify all assets in a single view to simplify analysis, understand relationships and discover exposures across the attack surface.

    • View key context on weaknesses to make the most impactful remediation decisions.

    • Find top active threats in your environment with up to date feeds from Tenable Research.

    • Ensure that your company’s cybersecurity controls meet requirements by consolidating security control visibility.