A connection to a list of items.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type ActionConnection {
- # Information to aid in pagination.
- PageInfo! :
- # A list of edges.
- ActionEdge] : [
- # A list of Action nodes.
- Action!]! : [
- # The total count of items in the connection.
- Int! :
- }
link Require by
- ActivityPolicyPolicy that involves activity
- AssetPolicyPolicy that involves activity and doesn't have a dst.
- IDSGeneralPolicyPolicy that involves an IDS event that the whole network is relevant
- IDSSrcDstPolicyPolicy that involves an IDS event where both source and destination are relevant
- IntrusionPolicyPolicy that involves an Intrusion event detection
- NetworkPolicyPolicy that involves network events
- Policynull
- PortPolicyPolicy that involves port events
- TagValuePolicyPolicy on tag values