The String
scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar String
link Require by
- AbbAc800BaseTagParamsThe parameters for removing an ABB AC800 tag
- AbbAc800FullTagParamsThe parameters for adding/editing an ABB AC800 tag
- Actionnull
- ActionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ActiveQuerynull
- ActiveQueryBasenull
- ActiveQueryEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ActiveQueryExecutionnull
- ActiveQueryExecutionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ActiveQueryExecutionOnAssetnull
- ActiveQueryExecutionOnAssetEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ActivityExclusionAn exclusion for Activity event
- ActivityPolicyPolicy that involves activity
- AddressesPendingDeletionnull
- AdProviderOptionsnull
- AdProviderOptionsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AgentConnectorIoT Agent Connector
- APIKeynull
- APIKeyEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- APIKeyResponsenull
- ArpScanDetailsDetails of an arp scan
- ArubaServernull
- ArubaServerEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Assetnull
- AssetDetailsLayoutnull
- AssetDiscoverynull
- AssetDiscoveryOptionsParamsnull
- AssetEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AssetEventsCountEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AssetExclusionAn exclusion for Asset event
- AssetFunctionAn asset function for policies
- AssetGroupAn asset group for policies
- AssetGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AssetLayoutFieldnull
- AssetListAn asset list group for policies
- AssetPolicyPolicy that involves activity and doesn't have a dst.
- AssetRelationshipEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AssetRelationshipNestingCipIpDetailsnull
- AssetTagsAll asset tags
- AssetTagsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AssetTagsItemAll asset tags for tag group
- AssetTagsItemEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AssetTypeFamilyGroupAn asset type and family group for policies
- AttackVectornull
- AttackVectorStepnull
- AttackVectorStepAssetnull
- AttackVectorStepEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AttackVectorStepIpsAsset id and ips - used when asset not in zone
- AuthProvidernull
- AuthProviderEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- BachmannDownloadDetailsDetails of Bachmann download
- BachmannModuleDetailsDetails of Bachmann module
- Backplanenull
- BackplaneEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- BaselineThe system's baseline asset map to alert on
- BasicCredentialsBasic Credentials
- Blocknull
- BlockTreeNodenull
- BlockTreeNodeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CanExecutenull
- CaptureFileInfoContains info on a specific capture file
- CaptureFileInfoEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CaptureListContains a list of current available captures
- CodeEditDetailsDetails of a Code Edit
- ConfigConfiguration settings
- ConversationConversation that involves source, destination and protocol
- ConversationEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ConversationExclusionAn exclusion for Conversation event
- Credentialsnull
- CredentialsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CredentialsLimitExceededEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CustomFieldnull
- CustomFieldValuenull
- Dashboardnull
- DeleteApplicationDetailsDetails of delete application
- DetailedSourceDetailed Asset Source
- DetailedSourceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- DfeDownloadUrlnull
- DfeInfonull
- DNP3ExclusionAn exclusion for DNP3 event
- DurationDailyRepresent recurring duration
- DurationIntervalRepresent interval in RFC3339
- DurationSimpleOne time duration
- DurationValueValue of the duration object
- EmailGroupnull
- EmailGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- EmLicenseDetailsnull
- EmSystemInfonull
- EmUsernull
- EmUserEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- EmUserGroupnull
- EmUserGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ErrorDetailed error
- ErrorVariableError variable
- ErrorVariableEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Eventnull
- EventAggregationAggregation of similar events
- EventAggregationEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- EventEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- EventTypeDetailsMatching of event type to it's group
- EventTypeDetailsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ExacqAddOptionsParamsnull
- ExacqConnectorIoT Exacq Connector
- ExacqEditOptionsParamsnull
- Exclusionnull
- ExclusionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ExternalGroupThis type hold a mapping from external auth provider group to Tenable.ot groups
- ExternalGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ExternalGroupParamsnull
- FaceStepDetailsDetails of DeltaV debug action
- FailedLoginDetailsDetails of file server failed login
- Findingnull
- FindingEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FirewallRuleBlocking rule for active querying (and optional OpType)
- FirewallRuleEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FirmwareChangeDetailsnull
- FirmwareDownloadDetailsDetails of firmware download
- FortiGateServernull
- FortiGateServerEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FullConversationsThe entire data about the conversations in the network
- GePlcStateChangeDetailsDetails of state changes in GE PLCs
- GroupProviderParamsnull
- HiddenAssetnull
- HiddenAssetEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- HoneywellChannelDetailsDetails of Honeywell channel in events
- HotFixHotFix name and date of installation
- HotFixEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ICCPBilateralTableExchangeDetails of Bilateral Table Exchange
- ICCPCreateDataSetDetails of ICCP Create Dataset
- IcpEmPairingCertificateDetailsnull
- IcpEmPairingStatusInfonull
- IDEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IDSGeneralPolicyPolicy that involves an IDS event that the whole network is relevant
- IDSSrcDstPolicyPolicy that involves an IDS event where both source and destination are relevant
- IEC104DetailsDetails of IEC 60870-5-104 Packet
- IEC104ExclusionAn exclusion for IEC104 event
- IEC61850ExclusionAn exclusion for IEC61850 event
- IEC61850SubscribeFailureDetails of IEC61850 subscription failure
- IEC61850UnauthorizedWriteDetails of IEC61850 unauthorized write operation
- IecReportClientReport and Client of IED from the SCD file
- IecReportClientEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IemActivityPolicyActivity policy from ICP
- IemAssetPolicyAsset policy from ICP, activity without destination
- IemEventnull
- IemEventEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IemIDSGeneralPolicyIDS event policy from ICP, that the whole network is relevant
- IemIDSSrcDstPolicyIDS event policy from ICP, that relates to both source and destination assets
- IemIntrusionPolicyIntrusion event detection policy from ICP
- IemNetworkPolicyNetwork event policy from ICP
- IemPolicynull
- IemPolicyEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IemPortPolicyPort events policy from ICP
- IemTagValuePolicyTag value changes policy from ICP
- InactiveProbingnull
- IntEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IntegrationAll integration servers data by type
- IntrusionDetectionExclusionAn exclusion for Intrusion Detection event
- IntrusionPolicyPolicy that involves an Intrusion event detection
- IoForceDetailsDetails of IO Forcing
- IoForceDetailsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IoForceDetailsListA list of IO Forcings
- Server
- IoServerEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IotConnectorInfonull
- IotConnectorInfoEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IPConfConfiguration IP setting
- IpConflictDetailsDetails of an ip conflict
- IpConflictExclusionAn exclusion for IP Conflict event
- IPConfTypeNetwork configuration
- IpDetailsnull
- IpDetailsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IpListAn IP list group for policies
- IPOpenPortsMap IP to OpenPorts
- IpRangeAn IP range for policies
- IpSegmentSegment attached to the asset's ip
- IpSegmentArgsItem for ip segments list
- IpSegmentEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IpTrailnull
- IpTrailEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ItemRenameDetailsnull
- Jobnull
- JSONEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- KeySwitchChangeDetailsnull
- LdapProviderOptionsnull
- LdapProviderOptionsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- LeanAssetMinimum Asset representation for Tenable.ot IEM
- LeanAssetEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- LeanBackplaneMinimum Backplane representation for Tenable.ot IEM
- LeanEventMinimum Event representation for Tenable.ot IEM
- LeanEventEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- LeanPolicyMinimal Policy representation for Tenable.ot IEM
- LeanSourceLean Asset Source
- LeanSourceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- LicenseActivationRequestnull
- LicenseDetailsnull
- LinkCommunication between two assets
- LinkEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- LoginDetailsDetails of file server login
- MilestoneAddOptionsParamsnull
- MilestoneConnectorIoT Milestone Connector
- MilestoneEditOptionsParamsnull
- MMSDefineNamedVariableListDetails of MMS Define Named Variable List
- MMSDeleteNamedVariableListDetails of MMS Delete Named Variable List
- MobotixAddOptionsParamsnull
- MobotixConnectorIoT Mobotix Connector
- MobotixEditOptionsParamsnull
- ModuleChangeDetailsDetails of module appear / disappear
- Mutationnull
- NessusPluginSetDownloadUrlnull
- NessusPluginSetInfonull
- NessusUserScannull
- NessusUserScanEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- NetworkHostsSummarySummary of network traffic
- NetworkHostSummarySampleA sample of the host traffic
- NetworkHostSummarySampleEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- NetworkInterfacenull
- NetworkInterfaceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- NetworkPolicyPolicy that involves network events
- NetworkSummarySummary of network traffic
- NetworkSummarySampleEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- NetworkUpdateInputnull
- Server
- OneServerEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OpenPortExclusionAn exclusion for Open Port event
- OpenPortsThe open ports of an IP
- OpenPortsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OriginOrigin of overlapping ips
- OriginEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OSAsset operating system details
- PacketCapturenull
- PageInfoInformation about pagination in a connection.
- PairedIcpEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PaloAltoServernull
- PaloAltoServerEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PasswordOnlyCredentialsnull
- PcapPlayernull
- PcapPlayerFileDetailsPcap player file details
- PcapPlayerFileDetailsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PcapPlayerStatusPcap player status
- PlcClearDetailsDetails of a plc clear
- PlcCommissionDetailsDetails of PLC commission
- Pluginnull
- PluginDetailsnull
- PluginEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PluginFamilynull
- PluginFamilyArgsnull
- PluginFamilyCountnull
- PluginFamilyCountEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PluginFamilyEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PluginHitnull
- PluginHitEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PluginReferencenull
- PluginsBasicnull
- PluginsBasicEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PluginsOfFamilynull
- Policynull
- PolicyEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PortGroupA port list group for policies
- PortGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PortGroupItemEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PortPolicyPolicy that involves port events
- PortScannull
- PortScanDetailsDetails of a port scan
- ProgramCreateDetailsnull
- ProgramDeleteDetailsnull
- ProtocolDetailsnull
- ProtocolDetailsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ProtocolGroupA protocol list group for policies
- ProtocolGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ProtocolGroupItemEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ProtocolSummarySampleA sample of the network traffic divided by protocol
- ProtocolSummarySampleEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ProviderDetailsParamsnull
- ProviderOptionsParamsnull
- Querynull
- QueryExecutionAvailabilityEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RawAggregationsAssetsComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawAssetComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawEventsAggregationsComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawEventsComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawFindingsObjComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawGroupedAssetComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawGroupedEventsComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawIcpPluginComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawIcpSensorComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawPluginComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawPluginHitsComplexFieldParamsnull
- RawPluginsAssetsComplexFieldParamsnull
- RdpConnectionDetailsDetails of RDP connection
- RecurringGroupA recurring time group for policies
- ReferenceReference of a rule
- ReferenceByTypeReferences of the rules aggregated by type
- RevisionRevision of blocks on PLC
- RevisionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Rolenull
- RoleEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RoutineCreateDetailsnull
- RoutineDeleteDetailsnull
- RuleThreat detection rule
- RuleEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RuleGroupA rule group for policies
- RuleGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RungDeleteDetailsnull
- SaiaFileDetailsDetails of Saia file transfer
- SamlProviderOptionsnull
- SamlProviderOptionsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SampleA measurement and time coupling
- SampleEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ScanExclusionAn exclusion for Scan event
- ScanPortParamsScan single port params
- ScdInfoInfo of an SCD file uploaded to ICP
- ScdInfoEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ScheduleFunctionA time function for policies
- ScheduleGroupA schedule group for policies
- ScheduleGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ScheduleParamsChange intervals
- Server
- ScServerEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SegmentGroupA segment group for policies
- SegmentGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SensorDetailsSensor details
- SensorDetailsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SetPointStatusDetailsDetails of set point status
- Sitenull
- SMTPServernull
- SMTPServerEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SnapshotEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Snmpnull
- SnmpV2Credentialsnull
- SnmpV3Credentialsnull
- StateChangeDetailsnull
- StorageStorage for keeping keys and values
- StringConnectionA connection to a list of items.
- StringEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SuricataRuleSetDownloadUrlnull
- SuricataRuleSetInfonull
- SyslogServernull
- SyslogServerEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SystemInfonull
- SystemLogThe system log
- SystemLogEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- TagCreateDetailsnull
- TagDeleteDetailsnull
- TagGroupA tag group for policies
- TagGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- TagGroupItemA tag ID item for tagGroup
- TagGroupItemEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- TagGroupItemParamsItem for tag group
- TagValuePolicyPolicy on tag values
- TagWriteDetailsDetails of tag write
- TagWriteDetailsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- TagWriteDetailsListA list of Tag Writes
- TagWriteExclusionAn exclusion for Tag Write event
- TaskCreateDetailsnull
- TaskDeleteDetailsnull
- TimeIntervalA time interval group for policies
- TypedIntervalEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- UnauthorizedWriteDetailsDetails of an unauthorized tag write
- Updatenull
- UsbChangeDetailsDetails of USB change
- UsbChangeExclusionAn exclusion for Usb Change event
- Usernull
- UserEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- UserGroupnull
- UserGroupAuthProviderThis type hold a mapping from auth provider to external groups
- UserGroupAuthProviderEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- UserGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ValueGroupA value group for policies
- Versionnull
- WebServerCertificatenull
- ZoneZone for users consisting of asset groups
- ZoneEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __SchemaA GraphQL Schema defines the capabilities of a GraphQL server. It exposes all available types and directives on the server, as well as the entry points for query, mutation, and subscription operations.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name, description and optional `specifiedByURL`, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.