link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Time
link Require by
- ActiveQueriesBlackoutFlagnull
- ActiveQuerynull
- ActiveQueryBasenull
- ActiveQueryExecutionnull
- ActiveQueryExecutionOnAssetnull
- ActivityExclusionAn exclusion for Activity event
- APIKeynull
- Assetnull
- AssetDiscoverynull
- AssetExclusionAn exclusion for Asset event
- AssetRelationshipnull
- AssetRelationshipIoTConnectorsDetailsnull
- AssetRelationshipNestingnull
- AssetRelationshipNestingCipIpDetailsnull
- AssetRelationshipNestingControlNetDetailsnull
- AssetRelationshipNestingDhPlusDetailsnull
- AssetRelationshipNestingUnknownDetailsnull
- AssetsCsvStatusnull
- AttackVectornull
- AttackVectorStepnull
- BaselineThe system's baseline asset map to alert on
- BaselineDeviationDetailsDetails of a baseline deviation
- Blocknull
- CaptureFileInfoContains info on a specific capture file
- ConversationConversation that involves source, destination and protocol
- ConversationExclusionAn exclusion for Conversation event
- Dashboardnull
- DetailedSourceDetailed Asset Source
- DfeInfonull
- DNP3ExclusionAn exclusion for DNP3 event
- EmLicenseDetailsnull
- EmSystemInfonull
- Eventnull
- Exclusionnull
- Findingnull
- FullConversationsThe entire data about the conversations in the network
- HiddenAssetnull
- HotFixHotFix name and date of installation
- IcpEmPairingCertificateDetailsnull
- IcpEmPairingStatusInfonull
- IEC104ExclusionAn exclusion for IEC104 event
- IEC61850ExclusionAn exclusion for IEC61850 event
- IemEventnull
- InactiveAssetDetailsDetails of inactive asset
- InactiveProbingnull
- IntrusionDetectionExclusionAn exclusion for Intrusion Detection event
- Server
- IpConflictExclusionAn exclusion for IP Conflict event
- IpTrailnull
- LeanAssetMinimum Asset representation for Tenable.ot IEM
- LeanEventMinimum Event representation for Tenable.ot IEM
- LicenseDetailsnull
- LinkCommunication between two assets
- Mutationnull
- NessusPluginSetInfonull
- NessusUserScannull
- NetworkInterfacenull
- NetworkSummarySampleA sample of the network traffic
- OpenPortExclusionAn exclusion for Open Port event
- OpenPortsThe open ports of an IP
- PacketCapturenull
- PairedIcpnull
- PcapPlayerFileDetailsPcap player file details
- PluginDetailsnull
- PluginHitnull
- PortScannull
- Querynull
- RediscoveredAssetDetails of Rediscovered Asset
- RevisionRevision of blocks on PLC
- RuleThreat detection rule
- ScanExclusionAn exclusion for Scan event
- ScdInfoInfo of an SCD file uploaded to ICP
- Server
- SensorDetailsSensor details
- Snapshotnull
- Snmpnull
- SuricataRuleSetInfonull
- SystemInfonull
- SystemLogThe system log
- TagWriteExclusionAn exclusion for Tag Write event
- TimeIntervalA time interval group for policies
- UsbChangeExclusionAn exclusion for Usb Change event