The ID
scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4"
) or integer (such as 4
) input value will be accepted as an ID.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar ID
link Require by
- Actionnull
- ActionParamsnull
- ActiveQuerynull
- ActiveQueryBasenull
- ActiveQueryExecutionnull
- ActivityPolicyPolicy that involves activity
- AdProviderOptionsnull
- AgentConnectorIoT Agent Connector
- ArubaServernull
- Assetnull
- AssetDiscoverynull
- AssetFunctionAn asset function for policies
- AssetGroupAn asset group for policies
- AssetListAn asset list group for policies
- AssetPolicyPolicy that involves activity and doesn't have a dst.
- AssetRelationshipnull
- AssetRelationshipIoTConnectorsDetailsnull
- AssetRelationshipNestingnull
- AssetRelationshipNestingCipIpDetailsnull
- AssetRelationshipNestingControlNetDetailsnull
- AssetRelationshipNestingDhPlusDetailsnull
- AssetRelationshipNestingUnknownDetailsnull
- AssetTypeFamilyGroupAn asset type and family group for policies
- AttackVectorLimitationsParamsnull
- AttackVectorStepAssetnull
- AttackVectorStepIpsAsset id and ips - used when asset not in zone
- AuthProvidernull
- Backplanenull
- BasicCredentialsBasic Credentials
- BlockIdID of the block on the PLC
- BulkOpAssetsResultnull
- Credentialsnull
- EmailGroupnull
- EmUserGroupnull
- Eventnull
- EventAggregationAggregation of similar events
- ExacqConnectorIoT Exacq Connector
- FortiGateServernull
- Groupnull
- GroupProviderParamsnull
- IDConnectionA connection to a list of items.
- IDEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IDSGeneralPolicyPolicy that involves an IDS event that the whole network is relevant
- IDSSrcDstPolicyPolicy that involves an IDS event where both source and destination are relevant
- IemActivityPolicyActivity policy from ICP
- IemAssetPolicyAsset policy from ICP, activity without destination
- IemEventnull
- IemIDSGeneralPolicyIDS event policy from ICP, that the whole network is relevant
- IemIDSSrcDstPolicyIDS event policy from ICP, that relates to both source and destination assets
- IemIntrusionPolicyIntrusion event detection policy from ICP
- IemNetworkPolicyNetwork event policy from ICP
- IemPolicynull
- IemPortPolicyPort events policy from ICP
- IemTagValuePolicyTag value changes policy from ICP
- InactiveProbingnull
- IntrusionPolicyPolicy that involves an Intrusion event detection
- Server
- IotConnectorInfonull
- IpListAn IP list group for policies
- IpRangeAn IP range for policies
- IpSegmentArgsItem for ip segments list
- Jobnull
- LdapProviderOptionsnull
- LeanAssetMinimum Asset representation for Tenable.ot IEM
- LeanBackplaneMinimum Backplane representation for Tenable.ot IEM
- LeanEventMinimum Event representation for Tenable.ot IEM
- LeanPolicyMinimal Policy representation for Tenable.ot IEM
- LinkCommunication between two assets
- MilestoneConnectorIoT Milestone Connector
- MobotixConnectorIoT Mobotix Connector
- Mutationnull
- NetworkInterfacenull
- NetworkPolicyPolicy that involves network events
- NetworkUpdateInputnull
- Server
- OriginOrigin of overlapping ips
- PaloAltoServernull
- PasswordOnlyCredentialsnull
- PcapPlayerFileDetailsPcap player file details
- Pluginnull
- Policynull
- PortGroupA port list group for policies
- PortPolicyPolicy that involves port events
- PortScannull
- ProtocolGroupA protocol list group for policies
- Querynull
- RecurringGroupA recurring time group for policies
- RevisionRevision of blocks on PLC
- Rolenull
- RuleGroupA rule group for policies
- SamlProviderOptionsnull
- ScheduleFunctionA time function for policies
- ScheduleGroupA schedule group for policies
- Server
- SegmentGroupA segment group for policies
- Sitenull
- SMTPServernull
- Snapshotnull
- Snmpnull
- SnmpV2Credentialsnull
- SnmpV3Credentialsnull
- SyslogServernull
- TagGroupA tag group for policies
- TagGroupItemParamsItem for tag group
- TagValuePolicyPolicy on tag values
- TimeIntervalA time interval group for policies
- UserGroupnull
- ValueGroupA value group for policies