link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Query {
- # All IP's
- #
- # Arguments
- # onlyAfter: Filter what seen between now and this value in
- # milliseconds
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- Float, : String, : Int, : String, : Int): StringConnection! ( :
- # All MAC addresses
- #
- # Arguments
- # onlyAfter: Filter what seen between now and this value in
- # milliseconds
- # noIps: Only returns MAC of Assets with no IPs
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- Float, :
- Boolean, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): StringConnection!
- # All network interfaces
- #
- # Arguments
- # onlyAfter: Filter what seen between now and this value in
- # milliseconds
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- Float, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): NetworkInterfaceConnection!
- # Palo Alto server
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): PaloAltoServer! ( :
- # Lists all Palo Alto servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): PaloAltoServerConnection! ( :
- # Aruba server
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): ArubaServer! ( :
- # Lists all Aruba servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): ArubaServerConnection! ( :
- # Smtp server
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): SMTPServer! ( :
- # Lists all SMTP servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): SMTPServerConnection! ( :
- # Lists all archived smtp servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): SMTPServerConnection!
- # FortiGate server
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): FortiGateServer! ( :
- # Lists all FortiGate servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): FortiGateServerConnection! ( :
- # Lists all archived FortiGate servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): FortiGateServerConnection!
- # tenable.one server
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): OneServer! ( :
- # Lists all tenable.one servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): OneServerConnection! ( :
- # List of assets
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- AssetExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- AssetSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): AssetConnection!
- # List of assets that is promised to be contained with IEM
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- AssetExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- AssetSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): LeanAssetConnection!
- # Raw dynamic query on assets
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawAssetComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawAssetComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- AssetExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- AssetSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # List of assets connected to external networks
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- AssetExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- AssetSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): AssetConnection!
- # Raw queries on assets connected to external networks
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawAssetComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawAssetComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- AssetExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- AssetSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # Asset
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Asset! ( :
- # Asset By IP or MAC
- #
- # Arguments
- # ip: [Not documented]
- # mac: [Not documented]
- String, : String): Asset! ( :
- # Hidden Assets
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): HiddenAssetConnection! ( :
- # Assets that were deleted from the system
- #
- # Arguments
- # since: Filter by time since
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- Time, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): IDConnection!
- # Addresses in CIDR notation of assets pending deletion
- AddressesPendingDeletion! :
- # Assets pending deletion by addresses in a CIDR notation
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- AssetExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- AssetSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): AssetConnection!
- # Backplane
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Backplane! ( :
- # List of backplanes
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): BackplaneConnection! ( :
- # Asset groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): AssetGroupConnection! ( :
- # Archived asset groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): AssetGroupConnection!
- # Asset group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): AssetGroup! ( :
- # Asset list group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): AssetList! ( :
- # Ip list group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): IpList! ( :
- # Ip range group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): IpRange! ( :
- # Asset type and family group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): AssetTypeFamilyGroup! ( :
- # Asset segment group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): SegmentGroup ( :
- # Segment groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): SegmentGroupConnection! ( :
- # Asset function group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): AssetFunction! ( :
- # Schedule group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): ScheduleGroup! ( :
- # Schedule groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): ScheduleGroupConnection! ( :
- # Schedule groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): ScheduleGroupConnection!
- # Time interval group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): TimeInterval! ( :
- # Time recurring group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): RecurringGroup! ( :
- # Schedule function group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): ScheduleFunction! ( :
- # Protocol groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): ProtocolGroupConnection! ( :
- # Port groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): PortGroupConnection! ( :
- # Archived protocol groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): ProtocolGroupConnection!
- # Archived Port groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): PortGroupConnection!
- # Protocol group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): ProtocolGroup! ( :
- # Port group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): PortGroup! ( :
- # Tag group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): TagGroup! ( :
- # Tag groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): TagGroupConnection! ( :
- # Get all tags for new tag group
- #
- # Arguments
- # asset: [Not documented]
- # type: [Not documented]
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- ID, :
- TagType, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): AssetTagsConnection!
- # Rule group for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): RuleGroup! ( :
- # Rule groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): RuleGroupConnection! ( :
- # Archived rule groups for policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): RuleGroupConnection!
- # List of all available intrusion detection rules
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): RuleConnection! ( :
- # Lists all policies
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): PolicyConnection! ( :
- # Lists all policies with potential to hit asset
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: Asset ID
- # showAll: Show all policies (instead of only active)
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- ID!, :
- Boolean!, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): PolicyConnection!
- # Get a single policy
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Policy! ( :
- # List of events
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- EventsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- EventsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): EventConnection!
- # List of events that is promised to be contained with IEM
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- EventsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- EventsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): LeanEventConnection!
- # Raw dynamic query on events
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawEventsComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawEventsComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- EventsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- EventsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # List of aggregations of similar events
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- EventsAggregationsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- EventsAggregationsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): EventAggregationConnection!
- # Raw dynamic query on aggregations of similar events
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawEventsAggregationsComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawEventsAggregationsComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- EventsAggregationsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- EventsAggregationsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # Raw dynamic query on events and the assets they have, JSONConnection.totalCount
- # is not supported for this field
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawAggregationsAssetsComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawAggregationsAssetsComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- AggregationsAssetsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- AggregationsAssetsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # Event
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Event! ( :
- # Get a single email group
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): EmailGroup! ( :
- # Lists all email groups
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): EmailGroupConnection! ( :
- # The policies the Id is used in
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- ID!, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): PolicyConnection!
- # Get the policies that use the baseline
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): PolicyConnection!
- # The email groups the Id is used in
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- ID!, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): EmailGroupConnection!
- # Get network summary over a time period
- #
- # Arguments
- # timeframe: [Not documented]
- # since: [Not documented]
- # till: [Not documented]
- TimeFrame!, : Time, : Time): NetworkSummary! ( :
- # Get network summary over a time period divided by host
- #
- # Arguments
- # direction: [Not documented]
- # timeframe: [Not documented]
- # since: [Not documented]
- # till: [Not documented]
- (
- NetworkHostsSummaryDirection!, :
- TimeFrame!, :
- Time, :
- Time :
- ): NetworkHostsSummary!
- # Get network summary over a time period divided by protocol
- #
- # Arguments
- # timeframe: [Not documented]
- # since: [Not documented]
- # till: [Not documented]
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- TimeFrame!, :
- Time, :
- Time, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): ProtocolSummarySampleConnection!
- # Get all the conversations
- FullConversations! :
- # Get packet capturing details
- PacketCapture! :
- # A pcap player to play preloaded packet capture files
- PcapPlayer! :
- # Get the baseline
- Baseline! :
- # Get a list of custom fields
- CustomField!]! : [
- # Get discovery estimated duration
- #
- # Arguments
- # networks: Networks to scan
- # origins: Origins to query
- # concurrentDiscoveryWorkers: Number of concurrent workers to use
- # during scan
- # pauseBetweenProbes: Pause between each target (ip) scan
- (
- String!], : [
- String!], : [
- ConcurentWorkersOptions!, :
- PauseBetweenProbesOptions! :
- ): String!
- # Information about the nessus plugin set
- NessusPluginSetInfo! :
- # Url for the nessus plugin set file (requires an internet connection to use)
- NessusPluginSetDownloadUrl! :
- # Indicates whether an offline nessus plugin set update can be executed
- CanUpdateNessusPluginSet! :
- # Indicates whether an online nessus plugin set update can be executed
- CanUpdateNessusPluginSet! :
- # Information about the Suricata rule set
- SuricataRuleSetInfo! :
- # URL for the Suricata rule set file (requires an internet connection to use)
- SuricataRuleSetDownloadUrl! :
- # Indicates whether an offline Suricata rule set update can be executed
- CanUpdateSuricataRuleSet! :
- # Indicates whether an online Suricata rule set update can be executed
- CanUpdateSuricataRuleSet! :
- # Information about the Dfe update
- DfeInfo! :
- # URL for the dfe update file (requires an internet connection to use)
- DfeDownloadUrl! :
- # Indicates whether an dfe update can be executed
- CanUpdateDfe! :
- # Indicates whether an online dfe update can be executed
- CanUpdateDfe! :
- # ICP-EM pairing status
- IcpEmPairingStatusInfo! :
- # ICP-EM pairing pending certificate details
- IcpEmPairingCertificateDetails :
- # Communication done by specified assets
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- LinkExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- LinkSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): LinkConnection!
- # All current active querying blocking firewall rules
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): FirewallRuleConnection! ( :
- # Get user info
- #
- # Arguments
- # name: User name
- String): User! ( :
- # All users
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): UserConnection! ( :
- # All user groups
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): UserGroupConnection! ( :
- # All archived user groups
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): UserGroupConnection!
- # Get user group
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): UserGroup! ( :
- # Get all credentials
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): CredentialsConnection! ( :
- # Get credentials item
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Credentials! ( :
- # Indicates whether each credentials type has reached its limit
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): CredentialsLimitExceededConnection!
- # List of known plugins
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- PluginExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- PluginSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): PluginConnection!
- # Get a plugin by id
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Plugin! ( :
- # Raw dynamic query on plugin hits
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawPluginComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawPluginComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- PluginExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- PluginSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # List of known plugin hits
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- PluginHitsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- PluginHitsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): PluginHitConnection!
- # Raw dynamic query on plugin hits
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawPluginHitsComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawPluginHitsComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- PluginHitsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- PluginHitsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # List of known findings
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- FindingsObjExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- FindingsObjSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): FindingConnection!
- # Raw dynamic query on findings
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawFindingsObjComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawFindingsObjComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- FindingsObjExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- FindingsObjSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # Raw dynamic query on plugins assets, JSONConnection.totalCount is not supported
- # for this field
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawPluginsAssetsComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawPluginsAssetsComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- PluginsAssetsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- PluginsAssetsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # All active queries
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): ActiveQueryConnection! ( :
- # Active Query
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): ActiveQuery! ( :
- # Active Query Executions
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- ID!, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): ActiveQueryExecutionConnection!
- # Active Query Executions On Asset
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- ID!, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): ActiveQueryExecutionOnAssetConnection!
- # Operations execution availability for asset
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- ID!, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): QueryExecutionAvailabilityConnection!
- # Active Queries global configs
- ActiveQueriesGlobalConfigs! :
- # Last asset creation from CSV file status
- AssetsCsvStatus :
- # List the sensors connected and trying to connect
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): SensorDetailsConnection! ( :
- # Get a sensor connected or trying to connect
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): SensorDetails! ( :
- # Get all user scans
- #
- # Arguments
- # dbOnly: Return only scan details from our internal database
- # without waiting for Nessus to be ready
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- Boolean, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): NessusUserScanConnection!
- # Get user scan
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: User scan ID
- # includePluginsInfo: Should return plugins for mixed families
- # dbOnly: Return only scan details from our internal database
- # without waiting for Nessus to be ready
- Int!, : Boolean, : Boolean): NessusUserScan! ( :
- # Get all plugin families with plugins count
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: User scan ID
- # searchQuery: Search query
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- Int, :
- String, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): PluginFamilyCountConnection!
- # Get all family's plugins
- #
- # Arguments
- # scanId: User scan ID
- # familyId: Plugin family ID
- # searchQuery: Search query
- Int, : Int!, : String): PluginsOfFamily ( :
- # Get current count of assets for each category (empty categories are omitted)
- AssetCategoryCount!]! : [
- # Get a zone by id
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Zone! ( :
- # All zones
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): ZoneConnection! ( :
- # Get an IoT connector by id
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): IotConnectorInfo! ( :
- # Get all IoT connectors
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): IotConnectorInfoConnection! ( :
- # Get all SCD files uploaded to ICP
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): ScdInfoConnection! ( :
- # Check if possible to upload scd
- Boolean! :
- # Get reports of specific IED asset
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- ID!, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): IecReportClientConnection!
- # Is Asset an IEC asset
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Boolean! ( :
- # Get recommendations count based on SCD file
- ScdRecommendations :
- # Get recommendations count for ied based on SCD file
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): ScdRecommendations ( :
- # The IPs pool for overlapping
- String!]! : [
- # Get an origin by id
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Origin! ( :
- # Get all overlapping origins
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): OriginConnection! ( :
- # Information and data about the system
- EmSystemInfo! :
- # Get EM user info
- #
- # Arguments
- # name: User name
- String): EmUser! ( :
- # All EM users
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): EmUserConnection! ( :
- # All paired ICPs details
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): PairedIcpConnection! ( :
- # A paired ICP details by ID
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): PairedIcp! ( :
- # All EM user groups
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): EmUserGroupConnection! ( :
- # All EM level user groups in EM
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): EmUserGroupConnection!
- # All ICP level user groups in EM
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): EmUserGroupConnection!
- # All EM archived user groups
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): EmUserGroupConnection!
- # Get EM user group
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): EmUserGroup! ( :
- # Raw dynamic query on grouped assets for IEM, JSONConnection.totalCount is not
- # supported for this field
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawGroupedAssetComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawGroupedAssetComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- GroupedAssetExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- GroupedAssetSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # Raw dynamic query on grouped events for IEM, JSONConnection.totalCount is not
- # supported for this field
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawGroupedEventsComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawGroupedEventsComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- GroupedEventsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- GroupedEventsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # List of recent events of each ICP paired to IEM
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- IemRecentEventsExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- IemRecentEventsSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): IemEventConnection!
- # Lists all policies for IEM
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- IemPolicyExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- IemPolicySortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): IemPolicyConnection!
- # Raw dynamic query on plugins for IEM, JSONConnection.totalCount is not supported
- # for this field
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawIcpPluginComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawIcpPluginComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- IcpPluginExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- IcpPluginSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # Raw dynamic query on sensors for IEM, JSONConnection.totalCount is not supported
- # for this field
- #
- # Arguments
- # fields: [Not documented]
- # grouping: [Not documented]
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- RawIcpSensorComplexFieldParams!]!, : [
- RawIcpSensorComplexGroupingParams!], : [
- IcpSensorExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- IcpSensorSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): JSONConnection!
- # Check for ICP Updates
- Job! :
- # Retrieve stored values
- #
- # Arguments
- # key: Key for storage specific value
- String!): Storage! ( :
- # Retrieve global stored values
- #
- # Arguments
- # key: Key for storage specific value
- String!): Storage! ( :
- # System Configuration
- Config! :
- # Syslog server
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): SyslogServer! ( :
- # Lists all Syslog servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): SyslogServerConnection! ( :
- # Lists all archived syslog servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): SyslogServerConnection!
- # tenable.sc server
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): ScServer! ( :
- # Lists all tenable.sc servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): ScServerConnection! ( :
- # tenable.io server
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): IoServer! ( :
- # Lists all tenable.io servers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): IoServerConnection! ( :
- # Fetch specific job
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): Job! ( :
- # Information and data about the system
- SystemInfo! :
- # Get the system log
- #
- # Arguments
- # filter: [Not documented]
- # search: [Not documented]
- # sort: [Not documented]
- # slowCount: When requesting totalCount set this to true to wait
- # for count query to complete.
- # Otherwise, countTimeout is used to limit the execution time, resulting in -1
- # when limit is reached.
- # countTimeout: Time (in milliseconds) to wait for count query to
- # return.
- # Only applicable when slowCount is not set.
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- SystemLogExpressionsParams, :
- String, :
- SystemLogSortParams!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): SystemLogConnection!
- # Get a list of all pending flags
- FlagList! :
- # Get the list of event types and their group in the system
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): EventTypeDetailsConnection! ( :
- # Is EM machine
- isEmMachine! :
- # Integration servers
- Integration! :
- # All API Keys in the system
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): APIKeyConnection! ( :
- # All roles
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): RoleConnection! ( :
- # Get current user capabilities
- Capability!]! : [
- # Get all auth providers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): AuthProviderConnection! ( :
- # Get all AD auth providers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- String, : Int, : String, : Int): AdProviderOptionsConnection! ( :
- # Get all Saml auth providers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): SamlProviderOptionsConnection!
- # Get all Ldap auth providers
- #
- # Arguments
- # after: Returns the items in the list that come after the
- # specified cursor.
- # first: Returns the first n items from the list.
- # before: Returns the items in the list that come before the
- # specified cursor.
- # last: Returns the last n items from the list.
- (
- String, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- Int :
- ): LdapProviderOptionsConnection!
- # Get auth provider
- #
- # Arguments
- # id: [Not documented]
- ID!): AuthProvider ( :
- # Helper functions for dashboard widgets
- Dashboard! :
- # Get web server certificate
- WebServerCertificate! :
- }
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